As you may or may not know, I am one of the pioneers in removing foul language around Graal. I don't like to read it, I don't like to write it, I don't want to hear it, I don't want to see it.
However, I believe that people should have the choice as to whether or not they want to see the text or not.
So, I have devised a quick clientside swear filter for those of you who agree.
It probably needs to be improved in the future to run more efficiently, but this is a nice step in the right direction. You will still have to filter your PMs using the default graal rules.txt which is highly recommended, but now you can add a choice to whether or not the player wants to filter the swear words.
Here is the weapon script:
PHP Code:
function onCreated() {
this.swearwords = {
{"testing", "*******"},
{"test2", "*******"},
{"damn", "****"}
function onPlayerChats() {
switch ( {
case "filteron":
client.swearfilter = true; = "Swear filter is now on!";
case "filteroff":
client.swearfilter = false; = "Swear filter is now off.";
function onRemotePlayerChats(obj, chat) {
if (client.swearfilter) {
for (temp.s = 0; temp.s < this.swearwords.size(); temp.s ++) {
if ([temp.s][0]) >= 0) { = replacetext(, this.swearwords[temp.s][0], this.swearwords[temp.s][1]);
// edited version of my replacetext function in the code gallery
// this one is not case sensitive
function replacetext(text, oldtext, newtext) {
temp.oldlen = oldtext.length();
temp.textdiff = newtext.length() - temp.oldlen;
for (temp.p: text.lower().positions(oldtext.lower())) {
temp.pos = temp.p + temp.textdiff * (temp.index ++);
text = text.substring(0, temp.pos) @ newtext @ text.substring(temp.pos + temp.oldlen);
return text;
As you can see, I added an example of how to turn on/off the sear filter by using the commands "filteron" and "filteroff."
I'd like to start seeing these sort of methods used around Graal to prevent foul language.