Will work for food. Maybe
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Maryland, USA
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Default Tile Detection
This is a function that works pretty much like default tile detection(slashing bushes). The function itself is pretty flexible as to allow it to work in various amount of ways(for slashing or picking up an object, for example). It's expanded to allow you to define what tiles can be interacted with, and how much power it takes to destroy them. This allows you to, for example, allow players to slash lava rocks with a level 2 sword. Or hammer blackrocks with a level 3 hammer instead of a level 2. It also returns the data of the object you've 'hit' for further customization.
Parameters are pretty self-explanatory, I think. cdir is the direction to check, as this is in relation to the player. pwr is the amount of power needed to destroy the object, as specified in the array. The powers I mapped out are in relation to player sword powers, but you can specify whatever you'd like. doleap is whether or not to place a leap, you wouldn't want to do this if you are lifting an object. offsetx/y are how much to offset the check x/y from the default position. This is useful, for example, when the player is on a horse you need to offset the y by -1.
By the way, the tile arrays in the objectdata array follows this format:
New addition:
Different power types. The array map now handles different types of damage. You can add new powers by:
Adding the type to the 'temp.powerlayout'. There are 3 types currently. You can remove or add to them.
The number of objects is important because the object array will reflect this number. If you add a type, you must add to the
powers array in the 'temp.objectdata' value. Defaultly, if no type is specified when you call the function it reverts to the sword power
PHP Code:
function CheckTiles(cdir,pwrdata,doleap,offsetx,offsety) { // A LAYOUT OF DAMAGE TYPES, USED TO FIND THE CORRECT DAMAGE IN THE ARRAY temp.powerlayout = {"sword","glove","hammer"};
// THEN FIND THE INDEX OF THE TYPE. IF NO TYPE FOUND, RESORT TO SWORD POWER temp.dmgtype = powerlayout.index(pwrdata[0]) == -1 ? 0 : powerlayout.index(pwrdata[0]); temp.pwr = pwrdata[1] == null ? pwrdata : pwrdata[1];
temp.objectdata = { //name,tilecheck,tilereplace,leaptype,powers{sword,glove,hammer},canhide(true/false) {"swamp" ,{0x1A4,0x1A5,0x1B4,0x1B5},{0x2A7,0x2A8,0x2B7,0x2B8},1,{1,0,0},0}, {"bush" ,{0x2 ,0x3 ,0x12 ,0x13 },{0x2A5,0x2A6,0x2B5,0x2B6},0,{1,1,1},1}, {"stake" ,{0x14A,0x14B,0x15A,0x15B},{0x70A,0x70B,0x71A,0x71B},3,{0,0,1},0}, {"sign" ,{0x200,0x201,0x210,0x211},{0x70A,0x70B,0x71A,0x71B},3,{2,1,1},0}, {"rock" ,{0x22 ,0x23 ,0x32 ,0x33 },{0x72A,0x72B,0x73A,0x73B},2,{2,2,2},1}, {"blackrock" ,{0x3DE,0x3DF,0x3EE,0x3EF},{0x72A,0x72B,0x73A,0x73B},2,{3,3,3},1}, {"vase" ,{0x2AC,0x2AD,0x2BC,0x2BD},{0x6EA,0x6EB,0x6FA,0x6FB},2,{2,1,1},0}, {"desertbush",{0x35E,0x35F,0x36E,0x36F},{0x388,0x389,0x389,0x388},0,{1,1,1},1}, {"lavaswamp" ,{0xBE8,0xBE9,0xBF8,0xBF9},{0xC92,0xC93,0xCA2,0xCA3},1,{1,0,0},0}, {"lavabush" ,{0xA02,0xA03,0xA12,0xA13},{0xC90,0xC91,0xCA0,0xCA1},0,{2,3,1},1}, {"lavasign" ,{0xC52,0xC53,0xC62,0xC63},{0xC50,0xC51,0xC60,0xC61},3,{1,1,1},0}, {"lavastone" ,{0xA22,0xA23,0xA32,0xA33},{0xC70,0xC71,0xC80,0xC81},2,{3,3,2},1}, {"lavavase" ,{0xC65,0xC66,0xC75,0xC76},{0xC72,0xC73,0xC82,0xC83},2,{3,1,1},1}, {"snowswamp" ,{0x838,0x839,0x848,0x849},{0x2A7,0x2A8,0x2B7,0x2B8},1,{1,1,0},0}, {"snowbush" ,{0x7AC,0x7AD,0x7BC,0x7BD},{0xF02,0xF03,0xF12,0xF13},0,{1,0,1},1}, {"snowsign" ,{0x7EB,0x7EC,0x7FB,0x7FC},{0xFE5,0xFE6,0xFF5,0xFF6},3,{2,3,1},0}, };
// FIND THE CHECKX AND CHECKY temp.px = int(player.x + (cdir==1 ? -1.5 : (cdir==3 ? 3.5 : 1.5))) - offsetx; temp.py = int(player.y + (cdir==0 ? 0 : (cdir==2 ? 4 : 2))) - offsety;
temp.hitobj = -1; // INITIATE NO FOUND OBJECT AS -1 for (temp.i=0;i<objectdata.size();i++) { // CHECK IF THE TILE IS IN THE ARRAY if (tiles[px,py] in objectdata[i][1]) { temp.j = objectdata[i][1].index(tiles[px,py]); // FIND POSITION OF TILE IN ARRAY px = px-(j%2); // APPLY X OFFSET py = py-int(j/2); // APPLY Y OFFSET hitobj = i; // ASSIGN FOUND OBJECT break; // STOP CHECKING } }
// CREATE A BLOCK ARRAY OF THE TILES FOR COMPARISON temp.checktiles = {tiles[px,py],tiles[px+1,py],tiles[px,py+1],tiles[px+1,py+1]}; // IF WHOLE BLOCK DOES NOT MATCH THE OBJECT, RETURN NULL (aka not a whole bush) if (@checktiles != @objectdata[hitobj][1]) return; // IF NO OBJECT IS FOUND OR BUG OCCURS, RETURN NULL if (hitobj < 0 || hitobj >= objectdata.size()) return; // IF PLAYER DOESN'T HAVE ENOUGH POWER TO DESTROY, RETURN NULL // OR IF POWER == 0, RETURN NULL SINCE IT CAN'T BE DESTROYED if (pwr < objectdata[hitobj][4][dmgtype] || objectdata[hitobj][4][dmgtype] == 0) return;
// REPLACE TILES for (temp.i=0;i<4;i++) { tiles[px+(i%2),py+int(i/2)] = objectdata[hitobj][2][i]; } updateboard(px,py,2,2); // UPDATE BOARD
// IF LEAPS ARE SET TO TRUE, PUT A LEAP. if (doleap == true) putleaps(carrydata[carryobj][2],px,py);
// RETURN THE DATA OF OBJECT FOR FURTHER USAGE return objectdata[hitobj]; }
Examples of using it:
CheckTiles(player.dir,{"sword",player.swordpower}, true);
Sword on Horse:
CheckTiles((player.dir+1)%4,{"sword",player.swordp ower},true,0,-1);
PHP Code:
// Call the function in a variable, so it will assign the object data to the var temp.liftdata = CheckTiles(player.dir,{"glove",player.glovepower},false); // Set the player's attr[3] as carryimage_object.png // For example, carryimage_bush.png if (liftdata != null) player.attr[3] = "carryimage_" @ liftdata[0] @ ".png";
Last edited by DustyPorViva; 02-12-2010 at 08:34 PM..