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Old 02-22-2007, 05:00 PM
unixmad unixmad is offline
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What are reputations?

What are reputations?

Every forum member has a "reputation" which is basically a score of points that they have accumulated from other member's ratings. Reputations can be positive or negative, depending on how many "approve" or "disapprove" ratings that member has received.

You can see a member's reputation easily by hovering your mouse over the gem below their post count:

The tooltip text changes for certain levels of points. The list of these points and the accompanying tooltip text is below:

<-50 = [User] is infamous around these parts
-050 = [User] can only hope to improve
-010 = [User] has a little shameless behaviour in the past
0000 = [User] is an unknown quantity at this point
0010 = [User] is on a distinguished road
0025 = [User] will become famous soon enough
0075 = [User] has a spectacular aura about
0125 = [User] is a jewel in the rough
0175 = [User] is a glorious beacon of light
0225 = [User] is a splendid one to behold
0325 = [User] is a name known to all
0500 = [User] has much to be proud of
0750 = [User] has a brilliant future
1000 = [User] has a reputation beyond repute

How do I give reputation?

If you see a particularly helpful post, or a member that has gone to a special effort to help another member out, give them some reward for it by rating their post. You can do this by clicking the small scales icon:

It is always nice to leave a comment along with the rep, however this is optional.

If a member is impolite or spams then you can give them a negative rep point. However, if you do that it is common courtesy to leave a comment explaining why you did so. Bear in mind that you should not give negative reps based purely on personal opinion or disagreement, but only if is rude or completely off-topic etc. If you have an issue with a post that others might not have then please use the private messaging system.

If a member has disabled their reputation display, you can still rate their posts and affect their reputation count. However, they will not be able to view the rating comments.

Why should I rate posts?

Giving positive reputations serve as a nice bonus for the member that you give them too. It is a nice way of saying thank you and showing your appreciation for their help. However in the long term the reputation system is designed to highlight the best and most helpful users, through their reputation count. This serves as a means for identifying both credible posters, and spammers.

How do I get reputation?

Just post as helpful answers as you can to those threads where you know the solution or contribute to threads meaningfully. With time your rep points will reflect your quality of posting.

What do the rep gems in my User CP mean?

If you have received rep points then in your user control panel under any subscribed threads or forums there will be an area titled "Latest Reputation Received". In this section you can see up to the last 25 rep points that you have received from other members. On the right-hand end of the section heading there will be a count of the exact number of reputation points you have.

Here is what the different rep gems mean:

Green: A positive rep, increases your reputation.
Grey: A neutral rep, from a member who has under 20 posts or less than 5 rep points. These do not affect your total reputation.
Red: A negative rep, these decrease your rep point count.

I have 5 rep points but I have no reps listed in my user CP!

No, you're not special, everyone starts with 5 reputation points by default.

I got a negative rep for a post, why?

It is up to other members to decide who they give reps to and why. Giving a positive rep is like saying thanks, whereas if you give a negative rep you should always leave an explanatory comment. If you believe you received a genuinely unfair (or accidental) negative rep you should send a personal message to an Admin and it will be investigated.

Why do some member's reps count for more points than others?

The amount of points that you give or take from a member's reputation count is determined by your reputation "power". By default the power is 1, however, you receive one extra point of reputation power

  • per 1,000 positive reputation points received,
  • per 4,000 counted posts, and
  • per complete year that you have been a member of VBForums.

As an example to calculate someone's rep power:

  • 1 point as default = 1 +
  • zero multiples of 1,000 rep points = 0 +
  • 5 multiples of 4,000 counted posts = 5 +
  • 4 complete years on VBForums = 4

= 10 points rep power.

If you give a positive rep you add your full reputation power to that person's rep point count and if you give a negative you remove half your reputation power from their point count (rounded down but at least 1 if you have any positive rating power). The exception however is administrators, who have a fixed reputation power of 10 for both positive and negative reps.

Also, if a member has either less than 20 counted posts or 5 rep points they will have a rep power of zero regardless of how long they have been a GCC member.

How can I see ratings on particular posts?

You cannot see ratings given to other members posts, but you can see all the ratings given to you on any particular post. Simply click the small scales icon for any of your posts. In the box that appears you will see all of the ratings that other members have given to that post listed, your total number of reputation points, and also a comment describing your overall rating on that particular post, as described in the following table:

NPC Code:
      Rep Points    Comment
0 Even
+/- [0-5] Somewhat Positive/Negative
+/- [6-15] Positive/Negative
+/- [16-25] Very Positive/Negative
+/- [26 or more] Extremely Positive/Negative

A) 1 member with a reputation power of 3 points rates positively, 1 member with a reputation power of 5 points rates positively = "Positive".
B) 1 member with a reputation power of 4 points rates negatively, 1 member with a reputation power of 2 points rates positively = "Even".

(Refer to the section on reputation power above).

I tried to rate someone and it said "You must spread some reputation around before giving it to xxxx again".

There is what is known as a reputation "spread" in effect. This is a minimum number of members you must give reputation to before you may rate the same member again.

You will also receive an error if you try to rate more than 1 member within a 24 hour period (Administrators excepted).

Thanks to Zell12 for helping.

Last edited by Ibonic; 08-24-2008 at 04:57 PM.. Reason: Updated reputation levels
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