Originally Posted by Stephen
Perception is reality. The benefits are from an accounts management & administration side. There are problems with the way they're handled - it's difficult for staff. That's why Stefan is trying to accept suggestions, but he's not getting many here. 
This doesn't matter whatsoever. I don't give a damn how easy it is for them to manage accounts, and neither do players. Players want to be able to have their own unique account names, not some generic Graal#. They cause headaches for developers who are already pushed close to the edge by lack of updates, and they are an inconvenience to players as well.
Originally Posted by Tigairius
Prior to community names, there was no way to rename an inappropriate account without simply deleting the account and that person losing all of their items on all the servers. That problem is solved now.
So we should let a small minority ruin it for others? If they make an inappropriate account, ban/disable the account, and force them to make another. It's their own fault, and the other players need not be punished.
Prior to community names, good names were being taken by trials that were never used. Now that problem is solved.
There are other solutions to this, as well. For example, force trial accounts to use Graal######, but when they upgrade, they can change their account name. There could be a global event triggered on all servers when account name changes take place, and the stats could be transferred. Or you could go back to the old (better) trial system where stats are reset, force them to use a Graal######, and when they upgrade, they can create a new account. It's not even that big of a problem, most online services (e.g. Google) do it exactly the same way.
If there is a problem (aside from just "get rid of community names"), then just report it and it can get fixed. Community names are not going away, and they shouldn't either.
We've made tons of posts on the forums about the problems already.
- RC player list needs to show community names
- Commands like /open, /opencomments, etc do not accept community names (/openaccess does, though)
- Server options require community names, which is bad because community names can change.
- There are no proper scripting functions (getAccount(), getCommunityName()), just some unknown sendtext stuff
There are more as well, just go look at the threads.
They add more flexibility to the accounts system.