Originally Posted by cbk1994
There is absolutely no reasonable benefit that is derived from using community names. The only possible thing I can see is that community names make it so trials don't use it up all "good" account names. Hooray!
That small benefit doesn't even come close to making up for the inconveniences and frustrations they cause. Account names worked fine.
Listen to the players, the developers, even the global staff. None of them like community names. Maybe they're on to something.
Prior to community names, there was no way to rename an inappropriate account without simply deleting the account and that person losing all of their items on all the servers. That problem is solved now.
Prior to community names, good names were being taken by trials that were never used. Now that problem is solved.
There are two reasonable benefits right there, and the list goes on.
I am not going to debate community names with you. The problem was not with them implementing community names, the problem was them implementing community names without properly updating the tools used by administrators (for example, you have to add the communityname to server options, but to edit their rights you have to use their account name, which makes it confusing to add new staff), but that is being corrected over time.
If there is a problem (aside from just "get rid of community names"), then just report it and it can get fixed. Community names are not going away, and they shouldn't either. They add more flexibility to the accounts system.
Originally Posted by Stephen
Perception is reality. The benefits are from an accounts management & administration side. There are problems with the way they're handled - it's difficult for staff. That's why Stefan is trying to accept suggestions, but he's not getting many here. 