Originally Posted by scriptless
Is work on gonstruct still being done?? Has anyone managed to get it to compile on mac yet? 10.9.5 or 10.10 preferably. I might have to see what errors I get on my mac when I get home and try it again now that I'm more familiar with mac.
It's not really being worked on, sorry. I just felt bad about those icons.
Someone emailed me the day before yesterday about some error they were getting trying to build it on OS X, which reminded me gonstruct exists. I still don't have an OS X computer so I can't help with that, but apparently they were using some writeup for macports at
http://www.graalians.com/forums/showthread.php?t=23585 to try to get it working. Sounds super annoying though.
I'm vaguely interested in getting rid of the ruby dependency, but it's probably not the biggest problem with compatibility and everybody should have as many scripting languages installed as possible

, so I'm not in a rush there either. The only thing I could think of to make it work better on OS X would be completely rewriting the GUI to use Qt, and I'm enthusiastic about neither completely rewriting the GUI nor learning Qt, and it would probably still be a pain to compile things by hand on OS X for people who aren't used to that.
I think Fry is completely occupied with other things.