1: About
This forum is for All Non-Graal related topics.
2: Differences in the rules
1. All normal forum rules apply. Please make yourself familiar with them
2. External links, that do not conflict with the normal forum rules, will be allowed. Non-Graal related links are
allowed. (e.g: links to 'humor' videos, news sources and various other websites). However, this does not include links to racism, sexism, homophobic content, videos, images, or links,that contain language which is filtered on the forums or any other external resource which is at conflict with anything forbidden in the normal forum rules
Our aim is to provide a more relaxed forum, as in ignoring some spam, and links being allowed as long as they are appropriate. Moderation will be less strict in this forum, but the rules above will apply.
To gain access to this forum you must agree to the above rules. You must also acknowledge these rules will update from time to time, and in order to keep access to the forum you must agree to new rules as they are added. Those who do not agree to the new rules must remove their access to the forum in the 'User CP' section (as shown below) by clicking the appropriate 'Leave Group' link at the 'Group memberships' page.
If you agree to these rules, you may apply (using the process below) for membership to the forums. The agreement code, in order to acknowledge you agree to the rules is: "I have read, and agree to follow the rules"
(with or without quotations).
The administration reserve the right to remove access to this forum at any time.
Requests for access are processed manually, so may take a few days if the forum administrators/super moderators are inactive for periods of time.
3: Gaining Access
To gain access you must first agree to the rules and disclaimer above. Once you do, you can follow the steps below to gain access to the forum.
- Click 'User CP' at the top of the forum.

- Click 'Group memberships', located at the bottom of the menu on the left.

- Click 'Join Group'.

- Enter the valid agreement code, as explained in the rules above, as the request reason.

- Request will be pending, until approved.

- Once approved you will see a new forum in the Non-Graal related forum
Click Here.
If your request is refused, it is likely because you did not read and agree to the rules (and use the correct request code). If you are using the correct code, contact a forum administrator for an explanation.