PHP Code:
/* Loops through a given wordlist
First checks if the current word in the wordlist
contains the letters the checking word does
then checks the length of the current
word and the checking word
function findanagram(word) {
temp.wordlist = getwordlist();
temp.matches = "";
for(temp.currentword : wordlist) {
temp.y = "";
temp.cword = uppercase(currentword);
temp.word2 = uppercase(word);
// Checking
for(temp.i = 0; i < cword.length(); i++) {
if (word2.pos(cword.charat(i)) > -1) y @= "y";
else y @= "n";
if (y.pos("n") == -1) { // Checking purposes
temp.locw = cword.trim().length(); // length of currentword (for loop)
temp.low = word2.trim().length(); // length of word (params)
if (locw == low) {// if length of both comparing words are the same
if (currentword != word) matches @= currentword @", ";
if (matches.length() > 0) {
return matches;
// Edit this to return the wordlist used
function getwordlist() {
return list;
And you need to set maxlooplimit if your wordlist count is higher then the loop limit :o
Edit getwordlist() at the bottom to return the wordlist used. I used a wordlist which I uploaded to temp (if anyone wants to try with that I can rar it and attach, but you might need to edit it (graal doesn't like to loop through 317k words

)) :O
And.. don't hurt me if this isn't a good anagram finder