Originally Posted by Torankusu
2.) The days I tend to have off work I cannot utilize it because of UNEXPLAINED outages.
this gives me an idea albeit it would be too much effort to be implemented for the benefit of the development community - have the option to rent dev servers only for specific days of the week, fine-tuned to your preferred timezone, at a more reflective price
it would also mean that should technical difficulties occur, any refunded time would also be applied to whenever is convenient for the server owner
Originally Posted by Torankusu
3.) It seems as if it is trying to be covered up.
to be fair whenever stefan sees these types of posts he is usually apologetic and understanding of frustrations, unixmad tends to be on a censorship binge but hardly ever visits these forums, its more a case of someone who should have retired ages ago trying to justify their position
Originally Posted by Torankusu
4.) Any previously scripted back up methods I have either created, modified, or attempted to utilize have since been disabled from unexplained and undocumented updates, meaning that in the EVENT of an outage such as this, I am not guaranteed to even retain any of my working or WORK IN PROGRESS scripts
this reminds me that built-in backup functionality was a feature i had seen promised, about a year and a half ago in light of other frustrations being vented
Originally Posted by Torankusu
5.) It seems as if people that, for some reason, still seem to throw money at this game, are simply set aside until the time to "deal with them" is convenient.
i honestly think there are now not enough people prepared to make it inconvenient for things like this NOT to be dealt with, most people who were have left the game/forums