In game commands listed under "/help commands"
However its seriously out of date and doesnt tell you the full story.
I will attempt to explain some of them here for you, atleast the ones I know to be usefull in the game.
Btw here is what you get when you say "/help commands"
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usekeys addscore disarm cast gsay dm inventory
hiscore useskill save title party readyskill
fix_me resistances statistics mark who skills
help examine drop recipes listen search fixme
dropall recipe
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Anyways, enough of that. Things that you might actually want to use. Listed and described in brief of what it does.
/cast - This on its own will give you a full list of all the spells you know
/cast Spellname - example "/cast create food apple" will cast that spell when your press attack key
/drop item 1 - drops the item once, if you don't spell it all out it will only drop one
/dropall - used commonly as a scam, or just before someone plans to never return to GK.
/help - somewhat useless, but it will explain the other pointless commands that won't do much good anymore. There are a few exceptions though, like those advanced players going for score.
/kingdom - tells you very little and should automatically call up /kingdom help, but it doesnt.
/kingdom tag - this will simply add your kingdom tag
/kingdom leave - unless you really hate your kingdom that you are in, don't do this one. Simply it will kick you out of the kingdom member list.
/ksay msg - this would send a message to all your kingdoms members, do not abuse it for spam, as it is meant for your kingdom leaders to get your attention in times of war.
leave - *note, no slash used on this one. this is used on a boat to simply jump off of it.
/listen 1 - the default is 10 as far as I know, you can turn it down to 1 for no player was killed by this messages, or up to 100+ to see who is killing what.
/lockdooropen - now this is usefull if you ever want to have a player shop. First you will need a rather empty house, or one prepaired to be a shop in the first place, then go inside the building, open the door, and then simply say the command. As long as you do not close the door, it should remain open so your customers can come and go as they please. Keep in mind, its not for normal houses.
/mark itemname - this can be used to mark which item you want to write on, like a chest or bag, or even a scroll.
name pet petname - *note this requires no slash, it will name your pet and make it harder to tame for others though. "petname" can be changed to what you want to name it, please keep it appropriate.
/party - this is much like /kingdom, in which it should bring up /party hep but does not.
/party help - this actually gives you some info on the commands but not much else.
/party form name - this would allow you to create a party with the party called "name", you can change that if you want
/party join name - this would simply allow you to join the party name, it doesnt work after level 20 as far as I know, mostly because nobody is willing to fix it, this might change in the future, but don't count on it.
/party say msg - this would allow you to say a message to all your party members, if your even in one to begin with.
/resistances - lists your resistances.
/restart - This command will offer you the chance to restart your character, though all your items will be lost and all your stats reset to the beginning. Including your levels. Simple say the /restart #### it tells you in the bottom right corner of your screen to confirm the restart.
/sethead 1 - this would set your characters face/head to the first head number, there are many to choose some, so start trying a few different numbers out.
setname boat - this is not your name, but rather your boats name, it only works when your driving the boat. The example shown would simply name your boat "boat".
setnick unknown - this is a rather global command, meaning it works on any server, and shouldnt have to be further explained.
/sit - you sit down where you are at.
/skills - This will simply tell you what skills and their experience levels before your next skill level. This is not your overall level, but it does tell you more then just exp numbers.
/sleep - makes you sleep on the ground.
/statistics - this is your characters attribute points and experience, you may notice it doesnt tell you what level you are. To find your level just right click yoruself to see your own profile and level.
/tag add class - not used very often, this can just simply add your character class as a guild tag after your name. They never really finished this command so thats all it does.
/title - this will show your current character title, most commonly is your race.
/title human - this should set your characters title to human.
unstick me - another common global comman, on GK it will set you to the last unstick point you touched. Docks and beds are unstick points to name a few. There are also various places like dungeon entrances and castle unstick points as well.
/useskill skillname - example is /useskill punching.
/useskill inscription - commonly used to write into scrolls, it is actually used with a pen and the skill /mark item.
/who - this will show everyone online, and their title, and W for battle bode and P for peacefull mode.
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Okay if I forgot any, someone should probably just get staff to add it in with a decent description, honestly I don't mind, this is for GK players. Mostly the new ones, or the older ones that can't remember yesterday's tips.
Of course you could just reply with the missing commands to. Please no comments on how dumb this is or whatnot. Its information not listed, not your chat room. |