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Old 02-10-2011, 01:40 AM
FrozenLies0 FrozenLies0 is offline
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Era iPhone Player Relations hiring again!

(Will get andy to delete other forum threads)

Player Relations Application

Player Relations experience
Team Cooperation (If you cannot work well with others, please do not apply)

Deadline: February 27th, 2011


Basic Questions:
1. Male or Female?
2.Where do you live/What is your time zone?
3. How old are you?
4. Favorite Graal server? Why?
5. Can you speak any other language, besides English, fluently?
6. How long have you played Era iPhone or been in the Graal community?
7. Roughly how often do you think you would be able to be on?
General Questions:
1.Please describe yourself in a short paragraph or two. What favorable qualities do you possess? How are you unique? Why do you deserve to be a PR over all the other applicants? What makes you better than them?
2. Have you ever been staff on any other server before? If yes, what position did you have? How long did you hold it for? Why did you quit/leave? **No Private Servers
3. Have you ever been jailed or banned? If so, why?
Knowledge about Era iPhone:
1. List all of the ways to make money.
2. What are the differences between glitching and hacking?
3. What different gang bases are there? What purpose do they serve?
4. What is the difference between the free version of Era iPhone, and Era+ (the paid version)?
5. Where is the M4 shop located?
6. What happens if someone has the cracked version of Era iPhone and is having problems with the game?
7. Where is the revive potion located? What does it do? How much is it?
8. How do you obtain unlimited ammo? How long does it last?
9. Where do players obtain customization packs? What are they? Where do players get head packs, hats, and bodies?
10. What would you do if you do not know the answers to these questions?
1. A player wants to transfer his/her account to a different iphone/ipod/ipad, etc. What do you do?
2. A player has the "cracked" version of Era iPhone, how would you handle this situation?
3. If you are being harassed to get jailed or banned, what do you? What do you do if you are being harassed in general?
4. A player is harassing someone, how would you handle this?
5. If you see another player walking through walls or see them warping, how would you handle this situation?
6. If you're unsure of what to do in a certain scenario, how would you handle it with and without someone available to ask?
7. You see another staff member abusing his/her staff tools, what do you do?
8. A player complains about getting "scammed," what do you do provided that scamming is legal?
9. You see a player with some form of racist/harassing/vulgar content in their nickname or trying to impersonate a staff, what do you do?
10. Order this list from least to most serious.
Sexual Harassment, Racism, Glitch Abuse, Hacking, Avoiding the swear filter, General Harassment, Feedback Spamming, Spamming,
Here you can include any other information you think that we should know about you.

Here you agree to:
1. Be professional and respectful.
2. Be active.
3. Be cooperative.
4. Follow the rules.
5. Be honest.
6. Treat all players equally.

e-mail your application to
[email protected]

Good luck to all who apply!
Most likely going to hire about 5-10 new PRs depending on applications
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Old 02-10-2011, 09:21 PM
JesusFreak250 JesusFreak250 is offline
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Good luck to everyone
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Old 02-10-2011, 09:58 PM
Tizzee Tizzee is offline
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Good Luck to all who applied!
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Last edited by Tizzee; 02-10-2011 at 10:43 PM..
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Old 02-11-2011, 04:27 PM
FrozenLies0 FrozenLies0 is offline
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the two applications are very different
we've decided to hire people who actually can perform as a faq and gp
not sure if you noticed the different ( i hope you did )
everyone was discarded
new app new chance
i'm doing the hiring this time, so i'm not sure how come andy didn't get back to those who didn't make it, he's very busy though so i don't know
i don't see why you can't apply again ?
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Old 02-11-2011, 04:33 PM
Fulg0reSama Fulg0reSama is offline
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lol, people who can be both an FAQ and GP... those are rare as can be.

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Old 02-11-2011, 04:38 PM
FrozenLies0 FrozenLies0 is offline
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not sure if youre being sarcastic or not ;P
i don't need people who are like where's the beach?
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Old 02-11-2011, 04:40 PM
Fulg0reSama Fulg0reSama is offline
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I'm not being sarcastic; dead serious.

You're going on a practically impossible search where people have clean discretion and good knowledge of the game considering most players are more player then they are authority

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Old 02-11-2011, 06:06 PM
taylor taylor is offline
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Sucks for those who play PC don't have an iPhone, yet have the experience and knowledge of handling a capable job such as GP/PR or whatever it may be... yet are turned down because he/she doesn't have an iPhone and doesn't know some of the areas or POI's on Era iPhone.
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Old 02-11-2011, 09:49 PM
Fulg0reSama Fulg0reSama is offline
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I actually have an iPhone and the experience.. Regardless aren't staff able to log onto the iPhone servers through the PC? o_0 (Thank god I'm not applying!)

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Old 02-11-2011, 10:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Fulg0reSama View Post
I actually have an iPhone and the experience.. Regardless aren't staff able to log onto the iPhone servers through the PC? o_0 (Thank god I'm not applying!)
Not the point, how are you suppose to answer the questions on the application...
I'm not applying either, I was just curious for those who are...
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Old 02-11-2011, 11:13 PM
fowlplay4 fowlplay4 is offline
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Your application sucks, a 10 minute crash-course on the server would easily replace any prerequisites of "knowing" the server.

Scenarios 1 and 2 are just unneeded. Everything else is pretty much answered with.. "Notify other staff on RC, and jail (or ban in extreme cases) if necessary."
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Old 02-11-2011, 11:14 PM
RegretZ RegretZ is offline
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Originally Posted by fowlplay4 View Post
Your application sucks, a 10 minute crash-course on the server would easily replace any prerequisites of "knowing" the server.

Scenarios 1 and 2 are just unneeded. Everything else is pretty much answered with.. "Notify other staff on RC, and jail (or ban in extreme cases) if necessary."
That could be just about any application...
90% of the applications today SUCK.
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Old 02-11-2011, 11:46 PM
FrozenLies0 FrozenLies0 is offline
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lol yeah cause obviously the only thing i'm looking for is if you know where everything is on the server.
you don't get degraded just because you don't know where so and so is, you won't get degraded just because you don't have an ipod.
it's to see all of the different applicants

god bunch of whiners lol

edit: knowledge about the server is favorable, but it won't hurt your chances any.
and scenarios aren't that bad, usually the most common.

all and all it's an app that shouldn't take more than 10 minutes of your time to do.
a lot of questions, but the answers are all short. besides a couple "about you" questions.

edit again last time: and like i said, i don't see why someone couldn't apply again, even if they did get in the "potential" category.
just because one were to get into the potential category doesn't mean that they're automatically the backup if more PRs were needed.
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Old 02-12-2011, 09:59 PM
Arakonda Arakonda is offline
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Old 02-13-2011, 01:01 AM
Dnegel Dnegel is offline
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To darlene: Nein nein nein nein nein
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