Originally Posted by kia345
Tell me, how much bad would from having a little notification to alert of friend requests, page comments, group invitations, etc, etc, etc?
No bad. How much bad would come from leaving it the way it is?
Just because my opinion is different from yours, doesnt make any opinion bad, unless you start to insult the other person, of course.
And now tell me, try hard now, imagine you were popular and liked on these forums, and used to getting those things, you'd have to check the User CP all the time to see them, as opposed to having whether you have any or not displayed in the top right corner.
I always have stuff going on in my cp, and check it several times a day. I dont find it difficult at all, or even too time consuming. I enjoy it actually.
Originally Posted by Stephen
You should become a programmer; you sound exactly like one.