Originally Posted by BlueMelon
This would not be to use 24/7 for every echo, it would be purely for debugging.
Lets say someone is echo'ing a boolean from a random test script in a random level then that staff member forgets it and decides to go on vacation for a week. That leaves us with one annoying echo we cannot find.
PHP Code:
function NewEcho() {
And just logging the level the npc is in and the message it sends? You could even do npc id's or just about any other way.. you at least narrow it down to the level this way. And you don't have to wait for the Graal Engine to be updated just to save a few lines of script?
The 1 thing I notice is using something similar you could also alternatively pass a string to NewEcho() that would let you make it not log so that you don't eat up the disk space.. Which might be pretty cool. Because if there was an edit to make it optional it would probably be best to allow such flexibility rather then log everything.
Sorry if I am just horrible misunderstanding the problem

I never had this that issue yet, knock on wood.