02-23-2010, 01:05 AM
Registered User
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 247
Password Problem?
Well, I seem to be having an issue with one of my older accounts. My account Sage_Shadowbane was working fine, but I had to reformat my computer so I lost the password for it, and obviously by reformatting my pcid was changed in the process. So I had my password changed for my Sage_Shadowbane account, and now it won't let me log on to Graal saying "The password is wrong!". So I tried to log on to the graal2001 website using the email/password that was sent in the Changed password e-mail. When I tried to log in I got a message saying "Your Graal Account is currently blocked (banned)". What's up with this? Does it have to do with the Account-Lock by PC, because my pcid was changed.. ? Well idk, but can Stefan or someone of the likes help me out here? |