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Old 09-28-2010, 06:34 AM
ffcmike ffcmike is offline
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Graphics Browser

A new Graphics Browser has now been added within Taylor Richards (one of the buildings just above the bridge in Graal City), unlike the old one however this covers all of the different player graphic types including both standard files and files uploaded by players (excluding personal graphics), custom graphics are updated automatically on a regular basis.

All files are stored within text files offline for future loading (with custom files this is intended to reduce retrieving the large amounts of data from the server) along with an update value for comparison in the event of more custom files inevitably being uploaded or additions being made to standard files (numbered ones are entirely generated whereas named ones are within the level class and partially generated).

(note standard swords and shields have been updated to 9 & 10 pages since this video was made)
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Old 09-28-2010, 07:12 AM
--Chris-- --Chris-- is offline
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This is really neat! Not only is it player-friendly, but it also makes it a lil easier for staff to find illegal (e.g.: copyright) gfx
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Old 09-28-2010, 07:24 AM
ffcmike ffcmike is offline
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Originally Posted by --Chris-- View Post
This is really neat! Not only is it player-friendly, but it also makes it a lil easier for staff to find illegal (e.g.: copyright) gfx
This seems to be a bit of a grey area, this type of thing still seemingly slips through the "net" on various servers and there's even plenty that should probably be deleted on Classic, there's also quite a few mainfile heads which are clearly based on video game characters, I think there needs to be some global clarification and effort towards preventing this as it's pretty inconsistent.

It also made me realise we had alot of non-transparent or messed up file uploads approved , which were subsequently deleted.
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Old 09-28-2010, 07:43 AM
kia345 kia345 is offline
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Graphic browser is nice. My main reason for even logging on classic in the recent years was to use the head browser, so at least I can exploit and take advantage of classic in the future too.

However, if I could offer a suggestion: Graal is a game that typically has you push your mouse aside and neglect it, unless you're playing a server like Zodiac or GK that demands it. Unless classic is going for a massive overhaul I can't begin to comprehend, it's still going to keep that classic style that uses only q,a,s,d and the arrow keys. Having to jump back to the mouse to mess around with menus could be sort of flow breaking. It's not exactly a hassle, but it could be a bit more convenient to be able to keep using the same keys you've been using when opening menus. This of course applies to all menus that will popup, not just the file browser.

Mouse support is cool for drop downs and context menus, but nothing beats tab and arrows.
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Old 09-28-2010, 07:53 AM
ffcmike ffcmike is offline
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Originally Posted by kia345 View Post
Graphic browser is nice. My main reason for even logging on classic in the recent years was to use the head browser, so at least I can exploit and take advantage of classic in the future too.

However, if I could offer a suggestion: Graal is a game that typically has you push your mouse aside and neglect it, unless you're playing a server like Zodiac or GK that demands it. Unless classic is going for a massive overhaul I can't begin to comprehend, it's still going to keep that classic style that uses only q,a,s,d and the arrow keys. Having to jump back to the mouse to mess around with menus could be sort of flow breaking. It's not exactly a hassle, but it could be a bit more convenient to be able to keep using the same keys you've been using when opening menus. This of course applies to all menus that will popup, not just the file browser.

Mouse support is cool for drop downs and context menus, but nothing beats tab and arrows.
While this is true, it's less hassle than opening up file browser on your computer and searching within your Graal Folder .
I will however toy around with the possibility of browsing it via keypresses, scripted Q Inventory is pretty much the same while more favoured towards keys.
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Old 09-28-2010, 10:22 AM
Demisis_P2P Demisis_P2P is offline
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This is really neat. Good job.
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Old 09-28-2010, 10:27 AM
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I'm glad to see work being done. It's nice you're showing initiative for your server.
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Old 09-28-2010, 07:04 PM
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@ffcmike: That is because people aren't doing their jobs right.

When there was a global gfx admin back in the day, I remember it being seen about. Even after that position was integrated into the PWA, there were members that searched in folders actively.
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Old 09-29-2010, 07:38 PM
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Nicely done Thor. A really good addition.
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Old 09-29-2010, 11:19 PM
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OH look I see some of my stuff in there! Anyway, great job.
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Old 09-30-2010, 10:33 AM
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I don't like the mirror in Taylor's (or anywhere else really) since you can't actually reflect images.

stencil buffer support ++
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Old 09-30-2010, 10:54 PM
jacob_bald6225 jacob_bald6225 is offline
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Originally Posted by Mark Sir Link View Post
I don't like the mirror in Taylor's (or anywhere else really) since you can't actually reflect images.

stencil buffer support ++

stencil buffer support = (stencil buffer support)+1
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Old 09-30-2010, 11:39 PM
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I want to make a new GUI for this, plz
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Old 10-05-2010, 10:10 PM
ff7chocoboknight ff7chocoboknight is offline
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Originally Posted by jacob_bald6225 View Post
stencil buffer support = (stencil buffer support)+1
stencil buffer support += 1
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