Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 19
03-02-2015 09:38 AM
not a single post for over 5 months... how interesting
not a single post for over 20 interesting.
NOOOESSSS you have red rep! :O
Don't worry, I won't beat you ****less for it. Just put some inspiration credit in that OP and we're cool.
Chin up.

Hey, is your server open? I'm bored and I gave up with Mattkan, i'm ready to work with you if you are ready to work with me. PM me.
Nah, I think you forgot.
I'm not gonna help you whether you like me, think im mature or not
I have a serious question for you. If you think I'm such an evil, server destroyer, than shouldn't you remove my RC from your server?
Of course, it doesn't matter because I won't destroy your server, but you know....