Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 50
Hey when you get a chance could you send me a message on Era?
Hope you're doing well

hey can you check out my delteria reset abuse thread?
ide love to know why they hired me wihle i was sleeping never filled an application then a week later they remove me while im sleeping and reset my accounts.
i just happened to be one of the richest loyal players on there too seems like a trap.
are you really still salty cause i called you ***briel when i was 13
10-15-2014 03:02 AM
I'm having an issue with my server. I've posted a thread multiple times, but it doesn't seem to stay...
Anyway, I bought my server a couple days ago and haven't been able to log on. This is because the server is exactly how it was the last time I rented one.
Problem is, my IP has changed since then. All I request is all the owner rights to the RC. I feel it's rather urgent as I've already missed about 3 or 4 days on my time.
Thank you,
Jonko (Owner of Dev Jonko)
gabriel i ****ing hate you. in a good way.
Hello Sinkler. this morning i logged onto dev xmww and it just keeps saying connecting to dev xmwwx, but i am able to move and play i just have the connection screen stuck on my screen. it happens the same thing when i go onto other developing servers aswell but not era. aswell as, we would like to change the name xmwwx to Uprising. thank you sinkler and hope to hear back from you
Hello Sinkler

06-27-2013 03:35 AM