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ReptarKingOfTheOZone will become famous soon enough

ReptarKingOfTheOZone ReptarKingOfTheOZone is offline


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Showing Visitor Messages 61 to 70 of 77
  1. Feonix
    05-23-2011 04:20 AM
    How so???
  2. Feonix
    05-23-2011 01:49 AM
    Fall is usually when alot of things come out, idk.
  3. Feonix
    05-23-2011 12:25 AM
    izone: coming soon, fall 2014

    with the way things are going now, we can expect v6 to come out on Halloween.
  4. Bigtime008
    05-22-2011 09:19 PM
    Or the world will have ended by then
  5. Bigtime008
    05-22-2011 08:25 PM
    that's v6 beta, not the actual final version.

    eh i just want them to finish FB so they can finally start working on other things, instead of falling behind with their expected time spans....

    i wont really play the facebook version, it just needs to get released already so izone can be worked on
  6. Bigtime008
    05-21-2011 09:06 PM
    lol v6/ facebook were supposed to come out in the first weeks of April....
    it's now toward the end of May, I bet it will be released like August
  7. Bigtime008
    05-15-2011 10:07 PM
    zones dead and will stay dead unless the iZone comes out like its planned to.
  8. Bigtime008
    05-06-2011 04:40 AM
    Ahh yea lol,
    Jerk. you ****ed zone over

    How longs bahamutsteve banned for?
  9. Feonix
    04-30-2011 04:19 AM
    I laughed when I heard that flesh got a 10/10 on his app
  10. Bigtime008
    04-29-2011 12:35 AM
    Well idk about sasori tbh, the guy still doesn't know how to host too well. Pheet was a total useless addition lol. FAQ wasn't really needed, especially when Pheet is a ******* who doesn't even know much about Zone LOL. Sanders was never really active as it is, and still isn't very active... but w/e i guess, there weren't much better retards to pick...


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  • Last Activity: 12-13-2014 04:49 PM
  • Join Date: 07-22-2010


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