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ReptarKingOfTheOZone will become famous soon enough

ReptarKingOfTheOZone ReptarKingOfTheOZone is offline


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Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 77
  1. Shadow5596321
    07-22-2011 04:22 PM
    How am I wrong? You're throwing useless **** into conversations like always and not backing up anything you say.
  2. Shadow5596321
    07-22-2011 04:00 PM
    You can't prove me wrong, that is why.
  3. Shadow5596321
    07-22-2011 03:44 PM
    Yet you still haven't proven me wrong in anyway, also proving that you do not have anything better to do than "argue with a retard". This "retard" has been destroying you in every arguement since the start. You're just throwing random insults out there so you can feel better about betraying friends and how much you ****ed up your life.

    Mommy and Daddy must be so proud of their son!

    and by better things to do, you mean be on Zone with people who would rather go with an opinion of mangement to they could one day work for them?
  4. Shadow5596321
    07-22-2011 04:38 AM
    "I do have a life, I don't sell out friends for power and didn't ruin my life through irresponsiblity.

    Get a life."

    Pretty much just summed your life up bro. You betray friends, and ruined your actual life through irresponsiblity, don't hate on others because you screwed up your own life doing dumb things.

    You started this arguement, so that kind of defeats your point.
  5. Shadow5596321
    07-21-2011 10:21 PM
    I do have a life, I don't sell out friends for power and didn't ruin my life through irresponsiblity.

    Get a life.
  6. Bigtime008
    07-21-2011 05:12 AM
    Now now Steve, no need to get your panties in a knot.
    Britain fell off the map after getting their asses handed to in the revolution. They were a "super power" now they've become a joke, sorry just stating facts.

    --lol @ you and mike
  7. Shadow5596321
    07-21-2011 05:01 AM
    I did Mr. "I ****ed up my life with all those drugs! God damn I'm irresponsible."

    Also quit being a little ***** and posting on your own wall so the person you're talking can continue to rape/own you.
  8. ReptarKingOfTheOZone
    07-20-2011 12:20 PM
    who said you could post on my wall cleetus?
  9. Shadow5596321
    07-20-2011 11:15 AM
    Now Biggie, that would mean people actually talk to Sellout Steve!

    BTW, Who did we win our independance from and then won against in 1812? ohya the Brits.

    Didn't **** with us after that did you.
  10. ReptarKingOfTheOZone
    07-20-2011 01:46 AM
    typical fail brit insult? LOL all you have done is spout generic british stereotypes at me!
    i dont care about your alchaholic dad and your fetish driven mum. there is just one fact you need to know. BRITAIN>AMERICA


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  • Last Activity: 12-13-2014 04:49 PM
  • Join Date: 07-22-2010


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