Yet you still haven't proven me wrong in anyway, also proving that you do not have anything better to do than "argue with a retard". This "retard" has been destroying you in every arguement since the start. You're just throwing random insults out there so you can feel better about betraying friends and how much you ****ed up your life.
Mommy and Daddy must be so proud of their son!
and by better things to do, you mean be on Zone with people who would rather go with an opinion of mangement to they could one day work for them?
"I do have a life, I don't sell out friends for power and didn't ruin my life through irresponsiblity.
Get a life."
Pretty much just summed your life up bro. You betray friends, and ruined your actual life through irresponsiblity, don't hate on others because you screwed up your own life doing dumb things.
You started this arguement, so that kind of defeats your point.
Now now Steve, no need to get your panties in a knot.
Britain fell off the map after getting their asses handed to in the revolution. They were a "super power" now they've become a joke, sorry just stating facts.
typical fail brit insult? LOL all you have done is spout generic british stereotypes at me!
i dont care about your alchaholic dad and your fetish driven mum. there is just one fact you need to know. BRITAIN>AMERICA