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ReptarKingOfTheOZone will become famous soon enough

ReptarKingOfTheOZone ReptarKingOfTheOZone is offline


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Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 77
  1. Feonix
    07-17-2012 01:28 AM
    Teemo and Kayle? Lol I never would have expected them to counter Jayce, but man I love the fact that Jayce shits on both Darius and jax top. Although I usually play him bot, which is still good...
  2. Feonix
    07-07-2012 09:40 PM
    Jayce looks epic. Easy counter to Darius right there.
  3. Feonix
    07-03-2012 04:36 PM
    Sucks that my first match with the skin was a 4v5 for us. We were still dominating despite being down a man, untill the puss Rammus builds straight thornmail/guardian angel.
  4. Feonix
    07-01-2012 04:49 AM
    I just bought the skin today, and it looks awesome. Love spamming all his skills because they look so cool lol, especially his ult.
  5. Feonix
    06-29-2012 04:06 AM
    lol I've won matches like that before. The ones when somebody feeds so bad that you don't think there's any possible way of coming back to win. Except it was our jungler Warwick who was feeding, and you're pretty much screwed when the feeder is your jungler...This guy was so bad man, running into 1v3 and randomly ulting somebody while not even trying to escape. However we somehow managed to capitalize on some mistakes by the enemy team late-game and had 1 or 2 baron steals before we pushed mid to victory.
  6. Feonix
    06-26-2012 11:23 PM
    Well we won, and I finished 7/7/16 as Teemo. Not the best record, but people just love focusing Teemo in fights
  7. Feonix
    06-26-2012 10:47 PM
    I think it's starting to cut me some slack now, just had two matches in a row where the enemy team had a disconnected player. About to start a game right now though, so we'll see how it goes...
  8. Feonix
    06-26-2012 04:37 AM
    This matchmaking system wants me to drop dead...just had a Viktor on my team go 3/19/3, fml
  9. Feonix
    06-18-2012 03:28 AM
    scumbag steve
  10. Shadow5596321
    11-22-2011 02:31 AM
    I think you called me a chav at one point and I was looking through old posts and saw that and laughed.


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  • Last Activity: 12-13-2014 04:49 PM
  • Join Date: 07-22-2010


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