Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 147
tig i had my crystal fusa bile+7 sword on hotkey and switch to another weapon which was hotkey and it did not return to my inv
Hey tig, i was wondering if you still need storywriters for iGK
Hey Tig, I can't send private messages and I don't know your email. I have an item missing on Graal Kingdoms. Account Messiah Staff of Variety. Had it one night, logged off, came on in the morning it was gone but still on my player.
03-29-2011 10:15 PM
Hey, Tig, I have to talk to you about Dev Jonko. Well, it's simple, every time I open the folders, and click on the scriptfiles and npcs folder, my RC disconnects. There is a lot of NPC's on there that were uploaded, but I want to delete all in one time. Doing this with F6 RC will not work, and with '06 RC it crashes. Can you please assist me with this.
03-29-2011 06:20 PM
Can you please change the name of the server EvilHasCome to Emera please. EvilHasCome has been handed over to me.
check pms please i requested server name change
please help me out with my CPU ID problem, thx
Hello, I just wanted to know if you could change my Graal# to DarfDarf please? I changed the community name, but in most cases people still have to use my Graal# , and I asked a PR, and he told me to contact you. Thanks.
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