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46 1 14 1
11:24 PM
A group for people that lives in Sweden.
19 1 37 1
02:54 AM
Whoever like hockey! show your love for your team!
17 1 24 1
03:43 AM
A group for players who loved Doomsday, and wished the server had stayed alive instead of being shut down.
4 1 1 1
11:29 PM
'Sup. In an effort to look way more organized than the other kingdoms, and maybe even actually become organized, Zormite needs to take advantage of this social group feature. So, bam, we got this. Seeing as I really have no idea what the hell these groups can do yet, more to come later.
23 1 33 2
10:10 PM
A group for Era Players :D
51 1 25 2
04:17 PM
Players for a Forum Revolution
7 0 0 2
03:40 AM
This group is made for the friend's of Eros Cassini. We'll miss you.
24 1 5 2
04:19 PM
Group of Graal Kingdoms Players who want to keep in touch
2 0 0 2
Fidel Castro was born on August 13, 1926. He attended Catholic schools before graduating from the University of Havana with a degree in law. Castro was a member of the Ortodoxo Party, a social-democrat party, and strongly criticized the government of Fulgencio Batista. On the 26th of July in 1953, Fidel Castro launched an attack on the Moncada army barracks. It failed, and most involved were killed or captured. Fidel was captured and given a trial, which he used to make his famous speech, "History Will Absolve Me". Sentenced to 15 years, he was pardoned after just two because Chuck Norris said so. He then went into exile in Mexico, where he trained and assembled the 26th of July Movement. He gained support from Che Guevara and others before leaving aboard the Granma to invade Cuba in 1956. Returning to Cuba, the revolutionaries hid in the Sierra Maestra mountains, gaining support among the peasants. Eventually, Batista was forced to flee in 1959 and Castro took...
7 1 2 5
12:05 AM
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