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Conversation Between Nataxo and Vman13x
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 52
  1. Nataxo
    12-16-2009 05:44 AM
    :O:O nice, we've never done that here , my family is not that united haha

    yeah, half of it !XD
  2. Vman13x
    12-15-2009 11:33 PM
    Im going to New Jersey, the cousins decided to do a secret santa thing where we each have a person, but we dont know who has us and we gotta get them a present that theyd like. No giftcards or money lol. It also has to be wrapped and stuff.
    Personally I like this because when I was little I loved christmas, but now than Im older we dont do anything so its always nice for new things .

    Is your family in Mexico?
  3. Nataxo
    12-15-2009 04:37 AM
    you're so lucky haha, my parents want us to travel to mexico city with my cousins etc.... But I wanted to live this Christmas here :7 meh :P

  4. Vman13x
    12-15-2009 02:04 AM
    Off for Christmas break, but I had finals a week ago.
  5. Nataxo
    12-15-2009 01:06 AM
    Nothing much, just busy on semestral examsn hehehehe you????
  6. Vman13x
    12-14-2009 11:50 PM
    Hi whatsup ?
  7. Vman13x
    10-26-2009 02:24 AM
    Lol thought they were donuts oh well
    I bought my colt6 at like 2:00 in the morning at my time, then I went to sleep lol.
  8. Nataxo
    10-25-2009 08:14 AM
    OH LOL

    Hahahahahqhahq is funny xD I bought a colt6 today!

    Btw they're cakes
  9. Vman13x
    10-25-2009 07:51 AM
    No no no lol

    Your icon is you covered in donuts lol
  10. Nataxo
    10-23-2009 05:11 AM
    donark + nataxo?=O

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