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Conversation Between Nataxo and Vman13x
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 52
  1. Vman13x
    01-09-2010 05:39 AM
    I'm sad I have to write a 6 page paper on the history of movies lol
  2. Nataxo
    01-09-2010 02:59 AM
    hope so too.
  3. Vman13x
    01-08-2010 04:37 AM
    Eeek! I did that once my first test in 9th grade and I made
    a 50 on a math test however by the end of the semester it was a 95
    hope you make an "a" on your next test
  4. Nataxo
    01-08-2010 03:38 AM
    ha, I'm a nerd it was preety smooth, though I nearly failed math exam
  5. Vman13x
    01-08-2010 02:30 AM
    Happy first day of school! Not really unless you like school
    I don't
  6. Nataxo
    01-06-2010 08:15 AM
    :o cool! I'm going to school on thurdsday
  7. Vman13x
    01-04-2010 06:46 PM
    I gotta go back to college tomorrow
  8. Vman13x
    12-18-2009 05:21 AM
    Pretty much what my family does lol.
    How's era doing?
  9. Nataxo
    12-17-2009 01:52 AM
    nothing much... like visiting cousins... big dinners etc :/
  10. Vman13x
    12-17-2009 01:12 AM
    Oooh cool so what do you guys plan on doing there?

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