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Conversation Between Nataxo and Vman13x
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 52
  1. Nataxo
    01-14-2010 05:57 AM
    yuppp. Percy Jackson & the Olympians rlly shocked me.... I'm buying a camp half-blood t shirt soon can you belive it?!
  2. Vman13x
    01-14-2010 05:33 AM
    Same, I doubt I will be about Percy and them though , so hopefully it's still good
  3. Nataxo
    01-14-2010 02:45 AM
    Yeah (Y)

    I'n not sure.... hope so but I don't think so xD. though I hope he makes more related books
  4. Vman13x
    01-13-2010 05:23 AM
    A can't wait for the 4th book to come out.

    Think there will be another percy Jackson boon?
  5. Nataxo
    01-13-2010 02:42 AM
    Eragon is nice, I've read them all too :P, except I already forgot most of it gonna read again in a few months
  6. Vman13x
    01-13-2010 12:37 AM
    Well this series and the eragon series are my favorite books
    I don't have a favorite in either series because they are all so good lol

    ya I didn't imagine the movie characters to be like that either, but I guess it will have to do
  7. Nataxo
    01-12-2010 06:37 AM
    Best series in the world! I'm addicted to those books.

    Movie coming in February 12, kinda dissapointed since Dionysus is cute, annabeth isn't blonde and Grover is black. Totally not how I imagined it but we'll discuss this once we see it I guess xD. What's your favorite book?
  8. Vman13x
    01-12-2010 04:56 AM
    Camp Half-Blood

    Very interesting series. I enjoyed them.
  9. Vman13x
    01-11-2010 12:27 AM
    Eh only if it's written right lol, luckily I finished!
  10. Nataxo
    01-10-2010 05:57 PM
    xD. Good luck with that :P. Sounds interesting tho

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