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Conversation Between Vman13x and Dragon551
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 50
  1. Dragon551
    07-07-2013 05:42 PM
    I saw your name on my friend list on Era as staff, back again?
  2. Vman13x
    07-07-2013 06:54 AM
  3. Vman13x
    04-02-2012 03:23 AM
    Once I find out where you live, I'm going to put a billboard up with your face on it detailing your criminal life
  4. Dragon551
    03-29-2012 09:30 PM
    No, I managed to lure them away from that fact. I avoid the question.
  5. Vman13x
    03-20-2012 04:52 AM

    You still having trouble with the ladies since I told every single women that you have ever met and will ever meet that you stole my snow cannon.
  6. Dragon551
    03-19-2012 06:48 PM
    Well they did it once when I quit and then when they took it :<
  7. Vman13x
    03-19-2012 12:00 AM
    They raided your house more than once?
  8. Vman13x
    03-18-2012 05:46 PM
    LOL, I wish I could have been there for that haha
  9. Dragon551
    03-18-2012 09:39 AM
    LOLLL OMG HAHAHA When they raided my house the first time I ended up grabbing them and saving them and then I dropped one and the Dev A grabbed it and got jailed hahaha was hilarious. But yeah they saved all the legal stuff in a staff storage, you gotta login and ask them to restore them if you want them :3 same with Gino but haven't seen him in a while :o
  10. Vman13x
    03-18-2012 01:38 AM
    NO!!!!!! I had so many staff mementos in there!
    First you take my snow cannon, and now tim takes my 30 spawned mp5 jailing items.

    I hate era!!!

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