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Conversation Between Vman13x and Dragon551
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 50
  1. Dragon551
    07-12-2013 09:28 PM
    Yeah that's true, just take it easy for now sounds like you got quite a few things planned ahead, nice.

    It is lmao
  2. Vman13x
    07-11-2013 06:11 AM
    I got plenty of time ahead of me lol
    Still have to go to pharm school, get my masters, maybe even a doctorates.

    That's the way to live lol
  3. Dragon551
    07-11-2013 05:40 AM
    22 isn't that bad but yeah might want to wait till you decide it on your own.

    Well I'm always chillin but yeah I do :3 same one.
  4. Vman13x
    07-10-2013 06:18 AM
    Cool, thanks

    Lol, my family wants me to get married already, but I'm only 22...

    Anyways, you got a job or just chillin right now?
  5. Dragon551
    07-10-2013 04:28 AM
    Yep pretty much lol.
    Yeahhhh haven't really talked to him since :[
    I will next time I speak to him :3

    Perhaps, perhaps.. haven't thought about it haha
  6. Vman13x
    07-09-2013 06:19 PM
    So the old crew is gone
    Oh ya, I remember we talked about how he freaked out on you lol.
    Tell crack I said hi.

    You thinking about settling down and have little Alfys anytime soon lol?
  7. Dragon551
    07-09-2013 05:20 AM
    Yeah mang, or well I'm pretty sure it was you idunno.
    Sucks, needa be more careful mang.
    Yeah so there was no reason for me to stay so I just stopped playing really. Idk about Bass, we haven't really talked since he sort of shunned us out a good while back. Crack is busy with school and what not but I talk to him on Skype sometimes, that's the only way we keep in touch. Zeus left when I left, I keep in touch with him though.

    Nothing really, just going on with my life
  8. Vman13x
    07-08-2013 06:23 AM
    Hmm strange.
    Anyways, I was playing basketball and I cut sharply, but my left leg got left behind so my acl tore. Now I'm out of sports for almost a year lol.
    Ya, I noticed that lol. It's pretty boring without friends and you in your poncho.
    I assume bass, lardy, and Zeus quit too?

    What have you been up to?
  9. Dragon551
    07-08-2013 04:06 AM
    Well I saw you on Era Dev or something so yeah mang.
    wat u do to your knee mang!?
    Yeahhhh Era isn't... the same anymore. So I haven't been back for some while now.
  10. Vman13x
    07-08-2013 12:07 AM
    As staff?
    Sort of lol. I just had acl surgery and since I can't really walk, I had nothing better to do.
    And then I was sad when I got on and didn't see you

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