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Conversation Between lardy227 and Vman13x
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 88
  1. Vman13x
    11-23-2010 05:16 PM
    Oooh, maybe I'll hop on sometime this month

    Oh btw your Spanish isn't that bad, compared to mine atleast.
  2. lardy227
    11-04-2010 05:28 AM
    Come see for yourself, cause it's something that can't be put in words

    You can think of it as either good/bad, but from me ranting I think you know how I feel about them
  3. Vman13x
    11-02-2010 04:39 AM
    Lol, so anything new with era?
  4. lardy227
    11-01-2010 12:10 AM
    I'd tell you but I'm afraid I'll be burned by people who see it :<
    Soya, whenever you're on or if I ever get to PM you I will
  5. Vman13x
    10-30-2010 04:13 PM
    Seems like no one likes the new admins, any reason why?
  6. lardy227
    10-30-2010 06:45 AM
    Holy crap you responded!
    Yeah I do, except not as much since they staffwiped and now I have no real purpose on Era now, so now I sorta feel free and bored at the same time

  7. Vman13x
    10-30-2010 06:21 AM
    Pretty much lol, you still play?
  8. lardy227
    10-22-2010 08:05 AM
    Lol diduquit?
  9. Vman13x
    03-25-2010 01:22 AM
    Oh no you di int! Im gonna get you as soon as......I dunno when but watch it!
  10. lardy227
    03-24-2010 09:43 PM
    Fatty McFatfat TAG
    You're it holmes!

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