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Conversation Between Nisube and Ares
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8
  1. Nisube
    07-21-2009 06:13 PM
    LOOOOOOL sorry, I had to.
  2. Ares
    07-21-2009 07:35 AM
    you crossed the line nisube..
  3. Nisube
    07-21-2009 05:19 AM
    Watch Ares run, watch him fall, watch him try to catch a ball, olympics, at the special olympics. Watch him laugh, watch him drool, watch him fall into the pool, that's diving. At the special olympics.
  4. Ares
    07-19-2009 01:18 AM
    i'm banging the drum, your big day will come, when they remake the wizard of oz..
  5. Ares
    06-22-2009 07:29 AM
    you should feel honored to be apart of the glorious FOA..
  6. Nisube
    06-22-2009 04:46 AM
    That's right.
  7. Nisube
    06-21-2009 05:39 AM

    I hope your leg falls off.
  8. Ares
    06-20-2009 08:58 AM
    i'm going to throw my dead leg at you

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