Conversation Between geneticfrog and Darlene159
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
There are no PWA members right now, so it might take longer for your support email to be taken care of. I don't know what else to tell you to do.
hey i recently got reset on deleria thousands of hours of play..... i got reset for leaving staff team but only had the simple staff tool nothing else.
yet they took the time to open both my main acc reset it then open my trial and literaly pick trough all the items and remove them one by one leaving my lvl there.
so instead of just takin away a simple staff tool they took 20x longer and picked trough all my items in spite.
i dont evne know what i did i was let go from GFX team over night as i work full time....
agian i paid real money for this account and im being abused by the staff on delteria without a warning and i still dont know why???
acc: geneticfrog
trial: PC:1600598
i tried contacting toons lab support but still no replies its been almost a week now. i dont know who i must contact to get my accounts restore
ive been playing graal since zelda online ive never been treated this way.... who do i have to contact its not clear?
As soon as you follow the instructions, and apply right, I will
please add me to NGRT already! D: