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Conversation Between Xterminator and MagikMasterMind
Showing Visitor Messages 51 to 60 of 65
  1. MagikMasterMind
    10-01-2009 04:36 AM
    Haha what's with that title?! XD
  2. Xterminator
    09-29-2009 01:04 PM
    I know, The coach is a retard. He kept all the ****tiest defense..
  3. MagikMasterMind
    09-29-2009 04:44 AM
    You can count on me!
    Btw, Kev got cut from Bt BB.
  4. Xterminator
    09-29-2009 04:40 AM
    I've got plenty of skills, you'll see one day!
  5. MagikMasterMind
    09-27-2009 07:09 AM
  6. Xterminator
    09-27-2009 07:06 AM
    ya man i will, then i can show you my skillz.
  7. MagikMasterMind
    09-27-2009 04:34 AM
    The other goalie under 6" was mdg BB last year =P.

    Dude grats on making mdg A. Let me know when you play in Aylmer so I can ref you. =]
  8. Xterminator
    09-27-2009 02:02 AM
    wow that sucks, why didn't they cut the other goalie under 6'ft if you had the most experience and better technique?
    I got good news too, i made Midget A .
  9. MagikMasterMind
    09-26-2009 06:43 AM
    I got cut due to my size. They said I was the most experienced, had the best techniques but they already had a goalie under 6ft so they went for that other goalie above 6'2 . Good news: I'll be the only goalie in CC cause I have a huge difference with the other goalies skill wise.
  10. Xterminator
    09-24-2009 03:49 AM
    ahah, nice man.
    hopefully next year we can play against each other :P.

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