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Conversation Between Xterminator and MagikMasterMind
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 65
  1. MagikMasterMind
    02-12-2010 02:15 PM
    I'm doing fine, but my team sucks. :9
  2. Xterminator
    01-28-2010 05:07 AM
    sup, hows hockey doin
  3. Xterminator
    12-08-2009 12:54 AM
    idk, my team we were missing our top scorer and we played our worst game of the year, but your brother lost against the shooting stars 6-2 and we won against them 4-3 so yeah..
  4. MagikMasterMind
    12-04-2009 07:15 PM
    Looool, my brother's team won against yours, how did that happen? They are horrible!!
  5. Xterminator
    11-06-2009 01:58 AM
    oh man no way, i play him in the La Peche tournament! ahah yes better come watch us man
  6. MagikMasterMind
    11-06-2009 01:34 AM
    He's on the Icerberg. They fail LOL! Atleast they're better then one of the other Aylmer team.
  7. Xterminator
    11-05-2009 11:55 PM
    What team does your brother play for? like the Name?
  8. MagikMasterMind
    10-22-2009 09:11 PM
    Probably. Our MGT A sucks lmao. Failtastic.
  9. Xterminator
    10-22-2009 05:21 PM
    I know lol, i was like wow that's a first.
    oh well, my team would destroy aylmer anyways lmao
  10. MagikMasterMind
    10-22-2009 03:22 AM
    No AY team in your hockey division, pal.

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