Conversation Between xAzerothx and kia345
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 14
I don't expect any change. If something was going to happen it would of happened already.
I don't expect change and neither should you, especially when you're going about it in an immature way. Nothing needs to change, but minor and direct requests are looked at more often then vague, troll-inspired and supported causes.
Making a request and shutting up.. Do you seriously think your request will ever be heard then?
That doesn't even make sense.
As for being happy with what we have. Have you seen how much we have? We aren't even allowed animated avatars!
"boohoo forums have to have change"
"sir, i would like for you to give us animated avatars, please sir"
They're both useless pleas, but the former is coming from losers who, while are aware we don't have it as good as it could be, are just bs'ing because they can't be happy with what we do get, and are just going to make it worse for the rest of us.
The latter group is making a request and shutting up.
Like your group is going to achieve anything?
I haven't seen anything immature about the group yet. Completely attacking the 'red witch' would be immature.
You should feel bad about an immature social group that's never going to achieve anything.
I didn't say they were going to change. I don't see where you got your blatant insulting ideas though..
I should feel bad for wanting to get rid of this oppression? You should know that's bs.
Your cause is bad and you should feel bad.
Everyone thinks the forums should change, but social groups and blatant insulting aren't going to change anything, just make it worse.
Please stop posting in the Forum Revolution group. Unless you're going to join and believe in our cause pleae stop.
This was before I said "Everyone neg rep me please."