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Conversation Between Feonix and Bigtime008
Showing Visitor Messages 71 to 80 of 123
  1. Bigtime008
    04-30-2011 04:29 AM
    lol@ you ignoring my entire football post
  2. Feonix
    04-30-2011 04:16 AM
    Sander's the ****ing ETA now, look how far that suck up has gotten. The guy who can't even get /giveitem correct...
  3. Bigtime008
    04-29-2011 12:48 AM
    Football is my favorite sport, most exciting one out of all of them. It has the most unpredictable playoffs, 1 game and you are out. Not the bull**** with other sports "7 game series", you can't **** up in the game, you have to bring your A game. Like Seahawks did to Saints this year, or even better when Giants raped everyone and ****ed Tom Brady in the SB.

  4. Feonix
    04-28-2011 04:45 PM
    Cant wait for Football season, only thing that gets me excited when watching. That and Hockey fights ofcourse.
  5. Bigtime008
    04-24-2011 02:18 AM
    I saw that nig Tro on Zod a few days ago *****. Dunno if its actually him though. He seems a bit different than before... LOL he was hella random.
  6. Feonix
    04-22-2011 04:06 AM
    The person I would really like to see back though is Tro, that funny mother****er was always up to something. He logs onto Era every once in a while to dig shells lmao, and he still says ''brb smoking a bowl'' whenever he's idling
  7. Feonix
    04-22-2011 04:04 AM
    Seriously haven't seen that jew on MSN in like over 4 months. Oh and he owes me more than just gelats, I remember him borrowing money from me on Era and Zodiac. He payed back like 5k out of 200k on zod.

    LOL, I can't remember Clash's MSN pic but everytime I think about it I laugh. And he always adds something random to his status, like that one time he did ''FINALLY THE ***** IS GONE, I'M FREE!''
  8. Bigtime008
    04-22-2011 02:43 AM
    ***** 4/20 yesterday, probably was baked all day then fell down the stairs or something. LOL damn owes you gelats from 2007? ****ing 4 years ago, ***** that jew would scam you.
  9. Feonix
    04-19-2011 04:29 PM
    Yea he's never on MSN anymore, but I seriously doubt he's in harm...knowing Clash he's probably just getting baked everyday

    Plus he still owes me gelats from like December 2007, so the jew better not be dead yet
  10. Bigtime008
    04-19-2011 12:02 AM
    Yo, did Clash die or something seriously? Haven't seen that nig on MSN in ages, hes had the same random pic on there too for the longest time.

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