Conversation Between Feonix and Bigtime008
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 123
Oh ****, I never thought of it that way before. Slenderman possibly could have gotten him, and Steve...well I never knew he was the rape type, but he did seem to show love and affection for Mike.
I just hope his body isn't already floating in a river by now...
LOLWUT. LMAO Yea dunno where that nig has been srsly. ***** I didn't do a drive-by on him, I thought you kidnapped him and raped him. This ain't like him to not log on for a week straight. I'm worried man, I think Slenderman got to him... Or maybe Steve took him to Britain and is butt****ing him as we speak...
Man, what did you do to Mike this time? He hasn't logged onto MSN in like a week, so I'm guessing you either killed him in a drive-by shooting, or kidnapped him like you did to that CP kid.
you thug
That reminds me, you still owe me 2000 chickens for selling my row nig
***** plz, I remember you telling me to kill bomies and give you their chicken if I ever wanted to borrow one of your items. I had to give you ****ing 20 of them just to borrow Gale, and you took it back literally the next day.
nig you are Mexican/Black/Jewish/Chinese. Nig you're such a jew that you wouldn't even share a piece of your kfc, you just started snarling at me and ran into a corner.
The part about Biggy being Jewish is true however.
lol steve thinks im mexican
No it's time for some good old KFC nig. Fish and chips are pretty good too nig
is it fish and chips time already mate