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Conversation Between Feonix and Bigtime008
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 123
  1. Feonix
    07-02-2011 09:48 PM
    Oh ****, I never thought of it that way before. Slenderman possibly could have gotten him, and Steve...well I never knew he was the rape type, but he did seem to show love and affection for Mike.

    I just hope his body isn't already floating in a river by now...
  2. Bigtime008
    07-02-2011 09:01 PM
    LOLWUT. LMAO Yea dunno where that nig has been srsly. ***** I didn't do a drive-by on him, I thought you kidnapped him and raped him. This ain't like him to not log on for a week straight. I'm worried man, I think Slenderman got to him... Or maybe Steve took him to Britain and is butt****ing him as we speak...
  3. Feonix
    07-01-2011 05:58 AM
    Man, what did you do to Mike this time? He hasn't logged onto MSN in like a week, so I'm guessing you either killed him in a drive-by shooting, or kidnapped him like you did to that CP kid.

    you thug
  4. Bigtime008
    06-24-2011 11:31 PM
    That reminds me, you still owe me 2000 chickens for selling my row nig
  5. Feonix
    06-24-2011 08:04 PM
    ***** plz, I remember you telling me to kill bomies and give you their chicken if I ever wanted to borrow one of your items. I had to give you ****ing 20 of them just to borrow Gale, and you took it back literally the next day.
  6. Bigtime008
    06-24-2011 07:45 PM
    nig you are Mexican/Black/Jewish/Chinese. Nig you're such a jew that you wouldn't even share a piece of your kfc, you just started snarling at me and ran into a corner.
  7. Feonix
    06-24-2011 04:45 PM
    The part about Biggy being Jewish is true however.
  8. Feonix
    06-24-2011 04:45 PM
    lol steve thinks im mexican
  9. Bigtime008
    06-21-2011 07:56 AM
    No it's time for some good old KFC nig. Fish and chips are pretty good too nig
  10. Feonix
    06-20-2011 11:42 PM
    is it fish and chips time already mate

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