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Conversation Between Vman13x and Dragon551
Showing Visitor Messages 41 to 50 of 50
  1. Vman13x
    12-21-2011 06:26 PM
    OMG!! You quit just so you wouldn't have to give me my snow cannon back

    Haha, what did you do to make him hate you?
  2. Dragon551
    12-18-2011 06:24 AM
    I do not! D:
    Yeah, but he hates me :<
  3. Vman13x
    12-17-2011 11:59 PM
    You know perfectly well what I'm talking about you poncho wearing freak!
    I'm going to get bass to harass you about it since you tried to frame him
    Does he still play?
  4. Dragon551
    12-17-2011 10:58 PM
    I don't know what you're talking about.. (>.>)
  5. Vman13x
    12-14-2011 01:51 AM
    Snow cannon!!!
  6. Vman13x
    11-23-2010 05:20 PM
    Al***go!!! Hi!
  7. Dragon551
    01-14-2010 01:48 AM
    Been on Era and GK mostly trying to finish Utopia too, Hard with work and all though.
  8. Vman13x
    01-13-2010 01:53 AM
    What you been up to?
  9. Dragon551
    01-13-2010 01:04 AM
    Hey :o sup
  10. Vman13x
    01-13-2010 12:58 AM
    Hi long time since we talked lol

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