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Conversation Between Xterminator and MagikMasterMind
Showing Visitor Messages 41 to 50 of 65
  1. MagikMasterMind
    10-04-2009 04:43 AM
    I crashed the net after a whistle to prevent anything then some VP defenceman lost balance and I got his skate right on my hand. Maybe it was #10 :o
  2. Xterminator
    10-04-2009 04:40 AM
    Yeah that's what he said, you had a bunch of cuts on your hand,
    what happened?
  3. MagikMasterMind
    10-04-2009 04:24 AM
    Yea, I don't know how you say point de souture in English but I had to get some on my hand after the game. I cut my hand deeply durring the game.. Ha
  4. Xterminator
    10-04-2009 04:19 AM
    Ya sounds like him lmao.
  5. MagikMasterMind
    10-04-2009 04:12 AM
    HAHA he was that big mouthed kid at def?!? Lololol
    Each faceoff me or one of my linesman did he was saying insults to the Ay centerman. Nice.

    I didn't want to give him a 2 cause he made me laugh.
  6. Xterminator
    10-04-2009 03:38 AM
    He was #10, Filiatreault ;o.
  7. MagikMasterMind
    10-03-2009 10:44 PM
    What's his number? I might have suspended him, I suspended some guy named Raphael, number 14
  8. Xterminator
    10-03-2009 09:41 PM
    He got kicked out of Gatineau cause of that.
    btw, Futurism/migpower plays on BT BB as Defense ;o.
    did VP have there names on the back of there jersey's?
  9. MagikMasterMind
    10-03-2009 09:18 PM
    OMG, that BT BB Coach is an *******! I just reffed his game in Aylmer, suspended one of his players. He had no control at all over his bench and he says it's my fault his team has so much penalties. Now he wants to make a report on me, haha!

    That's what happens when your 16 years old and reffing high levels, coaches think you don't know anything.

    Anyways, that guy is crazy lol.... Funny part, his guy was suspended at 9 seconds before the end of the game for checking from behind, which means, the coach will be suspended too!

  10. Xterminator
    10-01-2009 01:11 PM
    ahah. It's a joke between my friends and I .

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