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Conversation Between Xterminator and MagikMasterMind
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 65
  1. Xterminator
    10-07-2009 04:23 AM
    I have a game Saturday, exhibition can't wait for it :P
  2. MagikMasterMind
    10-04-2009 06:15 AM
    That's what I'm thinking too. Anyways, I'm off to bed, I got a big day tommorow. Meeting at 10'30, junior AA girls to Ref at 2'20 and get killed by shawville at 5'00
  3. Xterminator
    10-04-2009 06:10 AM
    lol, probably cause of you ahah.
    The defense coach was really surprised i was 1st year, he thought i was like 2nd or 3rd year Midget lmao.
  4. MagikMasterMind
    10-04-2009 06:03 AM
    He played BT A. Suprisingly, he was classed very high in Mdg A tryouts, but I know he's not ready for A. >.>
  5. Xterminator
    10-04-2009 05:58 AM
    lol, what did you bro play last year?
    The Masson Teams are looking good his year, the only team that's gonna be a problem is Petite-Nation because they only have 1 A team
  6. MagikMasterMind
    10-04-2009 05:56 AM
    My brother's 14, going 15 in November. And yeah, we have 3 Midget A in Aylmer and they are all verrrrrry weak. The best of those teams will have like 10 victories MAX. It's dissapointing how we had a lack of players this year.
  7. Xterminator
    10-04-2009 05:45 AM
    there's 3 Mdg A Teams in Aylmer?
    and how old is your bro, im guessing my age?
  8. MagikMasterMind
    10-04-2009 05:40 AM
    Ugh I posted the reply on my own profile, go take a look at it. Dumb Itouch >.>
  9. Xterminator
    10-04-2009 05:31 AM
    Hey are you reffing any Masson-Angers games? cause that'd be cool if you reffed me ;o.
  10. MagikMasterMind
    10-04-2009 04:48 AM
    You know what's epic? I had a supervisor in the stands, he said I did a very good game. I hope that coach makes his report on me haha. But honestly, I hate how coaches think I don't know anything cause of my age. I wouldn't have made the regional group if I didn't know a thing. He's like "this lvl's too fast for you" I replied "apparently I'm just too fast for you cause you didn't see the penalties your team earned"

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