View Full Version : Era Events Team Application (Rolling)

04-24-2013, 02:35 AM
Era Events Team Application. The Events Team Administration is accepting applications for Trial Events Team members (this does not mean Trial accounts; do not apply if your account is Trial status)!

This application is not due at a specific time; rather, it can always be accessed, and applications will be reviewed when new members are needed for the Events Team.

Please send all applications to [email protected]. Also direct any questions to J. A. Quezebo (ice_is_nice4), Administrator of the Events Team or Spartacus (TheTasty), Assistant Administrator of the Events Team.

Your subject line must be formatted as follows: Events Team Application – Account Name

If these conditions are not met, your application will not be considered. Trials are not eligible.

1. What is your account name? What is your most commonly used nickname on Era?

2. For approximately how long have you been playing Era?

3. Have you ever been employed on Era before (please list any relevant positions)? If so, why were you dismissed or why did you quit your position?

4. Have you ever been jailed and/or banned on Era. If so, please explain the circumstances. (Do not attempt to lie, as this can and will be checked) Include all other accounts as well.

5. Where do you live (Timezone)?

6. We expect a high level of maturity and professionalism. Often times, but not always, this level correlates to age. How old are you?

7. The expected time commitment is at least 6 hours of hosting per week. Firstly, comment on the amount of time you usually spend on Era in a given week. Secondly, please address anything that may cause inactivity in the foreseeable future. This includes but is not limited to such commitments as school, sports, travel, etc.

Discussion Questions:
1. Why do you want to become a member of the Events Team (ET) on Era?

2. What specific qualities and/or skills do you possess that you think would make you a better ET than other applicants? In other words, what makes you stand out?

3. Please list any referrals you may have. (Do you know anyone currently on the team who would give you an outstanding recommendation?)

Situational Questions (there is no single correct answer):
1. You are on tag about to go host an event, and you see a hacker running up the walls all over those beautiful buildings. What do you do?

2. You are hosting chance, and a player stands between the blocks and waits until the number is picked before moving over and picking one, what do you do?

3. Being an ET places you in a position which includes some responsibility. That being said, you are off tag and happen to notice another ET and/or staff member doing something that he/she should not be doing. What do you do?

4. You're hosting an event, and someone keeps interrupting it. What do you do?

5. Please explain the exact procedure an ET member should follow in order to host Assault. Please include all commands used (if known) assuming you are beginning in the Event House. Also comment on the process for dealing with a player who is blocking and/or laming a door while in the event. (This question is very complicated and need not be entirely correct. You may consult with current ET members.)

I've decided to open the Events Team Application (see the computer in the Event House). This will be left open for a while. We may hire a few Trial ET members, but the Events Team isn't in dire need of ETs. Applications will be reviewed on an as needed basis and offers extended based on rolling decisions.

-Events Team Administration

04-24-2013, 03:42 AM
My time to shine, guys.

04-24-2013, 04:57 AM
Good luck alf!

04-25-2013, 12:12 PM
alf 4 ET, ETA, PR, PRA, FAQ, PWA

04-25-2013, 01:43 PM
ROLF ALF left pc era for iphone
lol so let him stay with the iphone community

04-25-2013, 09:49 PM
^ this guy, can take a joke.

04-29-2013, 03:53 AM
ROLF ALF left pc era for iphone
lol so let him stay with the iphone community

Actually, I had access to the iEra server as a staff member before I was even appointed manager (I believe I was server administrator or co-manager). So I didn't leave for any other server, I just leave because well.. look at Era now.

04-29-2013, 04:55 AM
Always Get Tacos!

07-27-2013, 02:45 PM