View Full Version : Era Events team application, 10/16/2011

10-16-2011, 05:44 PM

This is an old application that someone else made, but we need people and writing a new app each time is stupid

Send all applications to [email protected]

Your subject line WILL be Events Team Application, (your account name)

If these conditions are not met, you won't be hired.

1. What is your account & most used nickname?

2. How long have you played Era for?

3. Have you ever been employed on Era before? If so, why are you fired/have you quit.

4. Have you ever been jailed/banned on Era, and if so, why? (Can and will be checked)

5. Where do you live? (Timezone)

6. Do you have anything that may cause you to not be as active in the next coming months? Things such as school, sports, travel, etc, all apply.

Discussion Questions
1. Why do you want to be an Events Team Member on Era?

2. What qualities/skils do you possess that you think would make you a better ET than someone else? (What seperates you from the pack?)

3. What does an ET do?

Situational Questions
1. You're on tag, about to go host an event, and you see a hacker running up the walls all over those beautiful buildings, what do you do?

2. You're hosting chance, and a guy stands between the blocks and waits until the number is picked before moving over and picking one, what do you do? (Basically someone is cheating in the event, what do you do?)

3. Being an ET places you in a position of responsibility. With that said, you are off tag and happen to notice another ET and/or staff member doing something that he/she should not be doing, what do you do? (What do you do if you witness another staff member abusing his/her powers?)

4. You're hosting an event, and someone keeps interrupting it, however they may be doing that. What do you do?

5. We have a 'notrials' command for hosting events, but sometimes you can forget to use it. If you are hosting an event and someone is standing still and you cannot hit them (it's a pk event) what do you assume/what do you do?

6. You've been doing a great job, and you run out of ECs, what do you do?

10-16-2011, 05:49 PM
Wouldn't it make more sense to focus on whether somebody is honest and enthusiastic about hosting events than on the specifics? How is a player going to know what to do when they see a hacker or when somebody is cheating?

It's a step up from "what command do you use to ____" on a lot of applications, but shouldn't you just cover that stuff with them after they're hired? A lot of it's common sense, but it's still best to make sure you have standard procedures.

10-16-2011, 05:56 PM
I've never filled one of these out before.. nows my chance!

1. fowlplay4 (Jerret or fp4)
2. A couple hours at most.
3. No.
4. Don't remember.
5. CST
6. I work full-time so sometimes I just don't want to log on Graal on certain days.

1. I just wanted to fill out this form.
2. I can script so I think I know better than other people.
3. Hosts events for the entertainment of others.

1. I'm an ET the **** am I supposed to do?
2. Kick.
3. Turn a blind eye and walk away.
4. Kick.
5. Kick.
6. Stop hosting, ***** about admins to players about not giving me enough ECs.

10-16-2011, 06:10 PM
Wouldn't it make more sense to focus on whether somebody is honest and enthusiastic about hosting events than on the specifics? How is a player going to know what to do when they see a hacker or when somebody is cheating?

It's a step up from "what command do you use to ____" on a lot of applications, but shouldn't you just cover that stuff with them after they're hired? A lot of it's common sense, but it's still best to make sure you have standard procedures.

It's impossible to determine a person's character through an application, in my opinion. Even the whole 'why do you want to be an ET, what qualities do you possess, blah' Someone could just lie to get the job..We always just end up seeing how they do afterward. It's not the best system, but it's all we have.

I would much rather see that someone is competent enough to have basic logical skills and make decent assumptions about what they dont know.

@FP4, great app, didn't email or subject line. Can't hire you, son :noob:

10-16-2011, 06:55 PM
where is the new eventbot???????????'

10-16-2011, 07:11 PM
6. You've been doing a great job, and you run out of ECs, what do you do?

Did you guys actually go back to "I need to drop you guys your ECs from my inventory"?

10-16-2011, 07:20 PM
Did you guys actually go back to "I need to drop you guys your ECs from my inventory"?

No, but ETs still have to be given "hosting ECs" that they can event off.

10-16-2011, 07:48 PM
No, but ETs still have to be given "hosting ECs" that they can event off.

Oh, right.

10-16-2011, 11:14 PM
oh here is a good question, this app needs to be sent by? (i already sent my great app in but it is useful for other players)

10-17-2011, 12:31 AM
Hey can i have you revise my original one so i don't have to rewrite everything. plz & ty

10-17-2011, 02:01 AM
oh here is a good question, this app needs to be sent by? (i already sent my great app in but it is useful for other players)

When I feel like I have the people I need. I don't really care how long that takes. Hiring deadlines are boring.

Since I'm hiring in two waves, people should have enough time. I'll probably leave the app open for two days.

@Crow, the hosting EC system is stupid and I don't like it, but all complaints have fallen on perpetually deaf ears.

@willa, no. rewrite everything, i enjoy the torture it must be. :3

10-17-2011, 02:11 AM
@willa, no. rewrite everything, i enjoy the torture it must be. :3

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO, i wanna file a complaint cuz last time i turned trial. this time I'm fresh gold

10-17-2011, 02:40 AM
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO, i wanna file a complaint cuz last time i turned trial. this time I'm fresh gold

man its like a 5 minute app, 10 if you write a novel, just go get to it.

10-17-2011, 03:05 AM
man its like a 5 minute app, 10 if you write a novel, just go get to it.

i have to think per question... so its like 20min app. even with the kinda grammar i used for yours :D

Ok u won i sent

10-17-2011, 03:33 AM
i have to think per question... so its like 20min app. even with the kinda grammar i used for yours :D

Ok u won i sent

always win

10-17-2011, 08:57 AM
Sent in mine :D

10-17-2011, 10:46 PM
Congrats to kenji, Ruben, and Jcs who took the first 3 spots.

There are 4 left for a later date, I think I know 2 of them, so there are 2 spots left. go gogo

10-18-2011, 04:48 PM
Let's see who's fired first, for inactivity of course. (Or abuse.)

11-21-2011, 10:09 AM
When is the Dead-line?
applied like a week ago

11-23-2011, 06:21 AM
When is the Dead-line?
applied like a week ago

I was removed from my ETA position by naack like a month ago. Soo if you sent me an email (you did) you should probably not expect to be hired because of it.

12-14-2011, 02:27 AM
GL to who else Apply.

By: DraKe