09-30-2011, 06:53 PM
Scripters only!
I am looking to pay someone $10 per a script and a $5 bonus every three scripts. You are expected to work on dev on scripts I choose. message me for info. Examples of what to expect is scripting a spar betting system, enhance gang system, creating complex events, etc. you will still be expected to work on minor scripts/edits free of charge. You will have two weeks to create most scripts, after that you start losing a dollar every two days. If you start a script, but cant finish, you will still be paid a very small amount. Payments will be two weeks after completion of script so that it can be tested and confirmed that its not stolen. Any nessecary edits to the script within that two weeka are expected to be done by you. I wrote this from my phone so sorry for the lack of transitions... Max of three scripts a month for now.
I am looking to pay someone $10 per a script and a $5 bonus every three scripts. You are expected to work on dev on scripts I choose. message me for info. Examples of what to expect is scripting a spar betting system, enhance gang system, creating complex events, etc. you will still be expected to work on minor scripts/edits free of charge. You will have two weeks to create most scripts, after that you start losing a dollar every two days. If you start a script, but cant finish, you will still be paid a very small amount. Payments will be two weeks after completion of script so that it can be tested and confirmed that its not stolen. Any nessecary edits to the script within that two weeka are expected to be done by you. I wrote this from my phone so sorry for the lack of transitions... Max of three scripts a month for now.