View Full Version : Era Hiring Artists!

08-18-2010, 09:17 PM

Since I am in charge of the Era Artist Team (GAT's), I am to setup a new fresh team of youngsters that will learn and work under my direction!

I will be reviewing applications as of today (18th of August) till the end (18th of September).
Alot of time to finish, aswell, you can send me additional images that resemble my vision of a new team.

Information and the applicationform can be found unter this Link (requires Adobe® Acrobat Reader >5):

>>>GAT Applicationform HERE<<< (http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/1/14/638209//GAT_Application.pdf)

Good luck to all applicants!
Everyone is welcome to fill it and tryout!

Further information concerning deadline TIME to be posted, stay tuned!


08-18-2010, 09:52 PM
how fresh you want 'em?

08-18-2010, 09:58 PM
5' !

08-18-2010, 10:10 PM
haha, i just read the application, and i gotta answer on this one :p

10) Red or Blue Pill?
Blue of course, living in the "Real World" is a horrible place, no sun and you gotta be underground ect, thought, i want to learn how to bend a spoon by thinking its not a spoon, but i guess thats something you have to take the Red pill to learn.

5' !
5' what?

08-18-2010, 10:21 PM
Yeah...I've choosen very random questions to see how people would react to them.

08-18-2010, 10:27 PM
your questions are very weird

08-18-2010, 10:39 PM
I'm not downloading Adobe or whatever to view them.
Someone send me the questions :D

08-18-2010, 10:44 PM
I love the questions.

Imagination is the key behind art. ;)

08-18-2010, 10:47 PM
Remember that one time Elk worked on Zodiac and everyone thought this meant the baddy graphics would stop sucking, and instead all they got were new swords for whatever class Elk was at the time?

Yeah, good times

08-18-2010, 10:57 PM
A PDF for a Graal application, seriously? It's only text, why not just post the text or just make a simple webpage?

08-18-2010, 11:13 PM
I'm not sure why Era needs to know if somebody believes in God or their sexual orientation. Some people might be offended by those questions. x_x

08-18-2010, 11:16 PM
Elk is a faker.

08-18-2010, 11:21 PM
Era Artist Team (GAT's)


Should that not be EAT rather than GAT?

Gera Artist Team?

08-18-2010, 11:27 PM

Should that not be EAT rather than GAT?

Gera Artist Team?

no no no, the staff tag represents gang weaponry. The level team are SHANKS.

08-18-2010, 11:27 PM
I'm not downloading Adobe or whatever to view them.
Someone send me the questions :D

You can't view a PDF...? How old is your OS?

Try this (http://docs.google.com/viewer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.fileden.com%2Ffiles%2F 2007%2F1%2F14%2F638209%2F%2FGAT_Application.pdf). Either way, I agree, a PDF is stupid for this kind of thing.

08-18-2010, 11:31 PM
You can't view a PDF...? How old is your OS?

PDF viewing is not exactly part of the OS, is it?

08-18-2010, 11:33 PM
I'll be extremely surprised if anyone actually completes this application.

I barely had any luck just asking people to show me old work that they had already made.

08-18-2010, 11:35 PM
Also either elk is clearly trolling,

asking about typohgraphy in the same document that has bogus linebreaks and

08-18-2010, 11:44 PM
I'll be extremely surprised if anyone actually completes this application.

I barely had any luck just asking people to show me old work that they had already made.

No offense to Elk, but I tend to agree.
Are the assignments at the bottom expected to all be completed or are the applicants just supposed to choose one to complete?

08-18-2010, 11:52 PM
the text before the assignments says that its all optional
so if you believe 1 image manages to impress me, then you can do so ^^

if one brings up the effort to actually read the text, then the app isnt hard at all, because you are even allowed to use google for some specific questions...

08-18-2010, 11:54 PM
the text before the assignments says that its all optional
so if you believe 1 image manages to impress me, then you can do so ^^

Oh I see. My mistake, I didn't actually read through the whole application. That's fair.

08-19-2010, 12:31 AM
7) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
8) What is your sexual orientation?
16) Are your parents divorced?

What the **** ?

17) Do you think these questions are too intimate?

08-19-2010, 01:01 AM
Yen used to ask questions like these, we all know what happened there.

08-19-2010, 02:11 AM
Extra points if you're a guy and send a sexy picture of yourself with your application. :pluffy:

08-19-2010, 02:53 AM
people should put their time towards filling out an actual money making job application than this **** lol.

08-19-2010, 12:52 PM
Extra points if you're a guy and send a sexy picture of yourself with your application. :pluffy:
When do I start?

08-19-2010, 01:46 PM
people should put their time towards filling out an actual money making job application than this **** lol.

like this one??


08-19-2010, 02:24 PM
people should put their time towards filling out an actual money making job application than this **** lol.

These applications ready them for the real world though! (If they ever make it there) :p

08-19-2010, 04:08 PM
I would send an application if I didn't work on any server right now. :p

08-19-2010, 05:00 PM
I would send an application if I gave a **** to do an over thought on application.

10-23-2010, 09:56 PM
can i do ganis or what. I worked for era as ganis for like 7 years. I ganied more than half the guns on Era, and I've made like 8 of the guns that are on Era.

not completely finished work, but new. The MS is done. (View in Paint)





and ganis I did (for the ms)

10-23-2010, 10:13 PM
Zodiac would love you for your overly large weaponry, they've been needing to go modern :\


10-23-2010, 10:17 PM
Why are your guns so spiky/hairy?

10-23-2010, 10:21 PM
Why are your guns so spiky/hairy?

They were designed with FF7 in mind.

10-23-2010, 10:33 PM
on player the Barret and deagle is too big, as I said they're not finished. But the others look fine on player. Um, the deagles on Era look nice. Neo Rifle looks nice. Ak47 looks nice. MK23's look nice. Uh, I could go on considering 70% of all the guns I edited the graphics, or made them. 90% of them I've ganied.

Same 3 from my fan club always got something nice to say ;]. <3

The MKSS (shot gun hand guns) would be something on Era that would be rare, that's why it looks so "Spikey" rather, specialized. I might look into taking the silencer off to make them look smaller? (Picture them without the silencer, and or put them on player becuase they're not oversized.)

MS looks really nice IMO, it's probally one of the best graphics I made in a while, though I could lighten it up.

Barret is HUGE yeah, but a Barret 50Cal is a large gun. I'd have to resize it a bit. Doesn't look too large on player, if you poped it in graal shop. I never really liked the golden deagle honestly, but It looked alright.

The MS Ganis are also there if you want to take a look at them :/

10-23-2010, 10:41 PM
The MKSS (shot gun hand guns) would be something on Era that would be rare, that's why it looks so "Spikey" rather, specialized.

It looks painful to hold (read as: it looks ridiculous).

10-23-2010, 10:46 PM
It looks painful to hold (read as: it looks ridiculous).



The MKSS's look sick.
this looks ridiculous? or you just personally don't like me guys or what lol.

10-23-2010, 10:53 PM
We at zodiac try hard to crap on everything Take does thats good on Era Forums.

I don't play Zodiac. In fact, I don't even talk to other guys posting about your stuff. I've never seen them in game, on any server I've played.

The MKSS's look sick. Like the good sick.
this looks ridiculous? or you just personally don't like me guys or what lmao.

It has little black tendrils, dangling off of it. They don't look like they serve any purpose, and they make the gun look awkward. So, uh, yeah, it does look ridiculous. And I didn't just mean that gun. They all look like they have a colony of ants dancing down the barrel. I'm not sure what function they fulfill.

10-23-2010, 10:58 PM
I don't play Zodiac. In fact, I don't even talk to other guys posting about your stuff. I've never seen them in game, on any server I've played.

It has little black tendrils, dangling off of it. They don't look like they serve any purpose, and they make the gun look awkward. So, uh, yeah, it does look ridiculous. And I didn't just mean that gun. They all look like they have a colony of ants dancing down the barrel. I'm not sure what function they fulfill.

yea, its a silencer, looks coo on player ;]

It's just guys; it can't look 'alright', or 'ya there half decent'. It has to look 'ridiculous' and 'colony of ants dancing down the barrel'. When they are very nice looking graphics, however you try to spin this. It already almost as pethetic as the other topic.

10-23-2010, 11:03 PM

This is a silencer.

What I see on that pistol is unnecessary

10-23-2010, 11:09 PM
I'm not talking about the silencer, I am talking about the literal row of spikes running down the back of the gun that would put a stegosaurus to shame.

10-23-2010, 11:10 PM
I think the spikes are supposed to be like a rail mount

10-23-2010, 11:14 PM
Why give every gun something that looks cosmetically stupid and does nothing? Did Era add sights and accessories? Why include a rail mount if it does nothing but make your gun look like it has family in the Jurassic period?

10-23-2010, 11:19 PM
Why give every gun something that looks cosmetically stupid and does nothing? Did Era add sights and accessories? Why include a rail mount if it does nothing but make your gun look like it has family in the Jurassic period?

I think he plans to.

He made the Fn2k which had a grenade launcher and a few other attachments (all completely gani'd), but nobody has put forth the effort to script everything.

10-23-2010, 11:19 PM

I'm not talking about the silencer, I am talking about the literal row of spikes running down the back of the gun that would put a stegosaurus to shame.

it just made it look cool what the does it mater?

and I agree, the silencer was a bit much. It's like high compression silencer for a shotgun shooting from such a small barrel. Idk i was using my imagination trying to make something original I guess. I thought it looked really nice, but without the silencer it looks a lot better yes.

Why give every gun something that looks cosmetically stupid and does nothing? Did Era add sights and accessories? Why include a rail mount if it does nothing but make your gun look like it has family in the Jurassic period?

and are you serious when you write stuff like this? You sound like you're angry at me or something. Like really mad.

Not all guns have rail spikes and uh.. I don't really know how to respond to this lol this is comical, considering my other thread aswell. Sorry?

heres a picture of a Beretta storm

10-23-2010, 11:39 PM
Who wants to work for an ******* that is to much of an idiot to make a decent application?

10-23-2010, 11:42 PM
I just wanna do what I always did n that was making guns. N everyone liked my work, all my work. so it's like???????? ive been tryn for months now.

10-23-2010, 11:54 PM
Something like this might work better:

10-24-2010, 12:04 AM
See, what Dusty did is much more visually pleasing!

10-24-2010, 12:36 AM
Something like this might work better:

whats diferent...................................

10-24-2010, 12:46 AM
whats diferent...................................

The rail mount, or "spikes". I think it looks better like that, too.

10-24-2010, 01:10 AM

10-24-2010, 01:14 AM
Impressive(ish) display picture.

10-24-2010, 01:49 AM

Definitely the way rails should be made.

10-24-2010, 02:13 AM

yeh that does look alot beter, stilll the shading and everything else could also use some touching up. But I guess that goes without saying.

10-24-2010, 06:41 AM
pretty c00l

10-24-2010, 06:47 AM
omg crono did you draw that it is rly good

10-24-2010, 07:21 AM
pretty c00l

crono that's the EXACT same picture i used to make the graphic hahahaha.

It's Take btw man :p

I could fix up the angle on the clip, and the mid of the gun is kinda plain. But ELK you should hook me up with a Temp Trial Ganis Job or something man, cerial.

10-24-2010, 07:38 PM
now take that picture and make it 5x smaller and see what you get :)

10-24-2010, 07:41 PM
But ELK you should hook me up with a Temp Trial Ganis Job or something man, cerial.

Why would the guy hiring graphic artists hook you up with an animation job?

10-24-2010, 07:59 PM
Why would the guy hiring graphic artists hook you up with an animation job?

because i'm good

10-24-2010, 08:34 PM
because i'm good

No you're not.

10-25-2010, 03:34 AM

this looks kinda dumb but it gives you an idea of what it would look like







10-25-2010, 04:47 AM
I'm glad you improved the ugly stegosaurus rails.

10-25-2010, 05:10 AM
they are the same

10-25-2010, 05:26 AM
you ... have a hard time reading in between the lines :/.


10-25-2010, 07:00 PM

10-26-2010, 05:51 AM



idk :/

10-26-2010, 10:06 PM
Looks good

10-27-2010, 08:21 AM
Looks good

Yeah there half decent though right? Era could really use a gun admin.

I worked on Era for years and years working on just gun ganis and gun graphics, I'm one of the best pkers on the game so I could easily balance the gun stats with another gun admin. I think i'd be a great candidate for that type of position. I'd be completely unbiased considering the weight of the position, considering I'd probably not be raiding. I'd be fixing every gun making it look alot better, like I always used too. I was probably one of the most proactive ''' ganis ''' Era had. Lets be honest though, how long does it take to do an elaborate reload gani like on a AK47, because each direction takes at least an half-hour, for the ak47 id say 3 hours to do the reload gani alone. I was always redoing guns, as I'd finish one project I'd do another one. Massing to players ' what gun you think could use some spice ' ect. Than completely redoing the gani into something alot cleaner and nicer, as well as the graphics. Easily said that 80% of all the gun ganis on Era, I've made.

Idk. I'd just really like to help out, as far as development for stuff that people would like to see. Making ganis for guns that don't even have reload ganis. Remaking graphics like deagles, mk23's or the neorifle (great examples). To balancing the very fragile statistics of these guns though understanding of the statistics themselves and being very skillful at the game itself. Anything gun related I'd be perfect to maintain because I'm highly skilled when it comes to anything to do with them.

10-27-2010, 08:45 AM
I'd be fixing every gun making it look alot better, like I always used too.

Spray shading guns does not make them look better. Learn how to shade properly with minimal amount of colors and I might agree.

10-27-2010, 09:01 AM
Spray shading guns does not make them look better.

I can respect that. I understand what you're saying and I agree, I just like to give it texture along with the shading, I guess it's just styles. You can't really see shading that much on guns on player. It's just if you looked at it in paint or in graalshop. I don't really 'spray shading' I try to give it texture. But i'll keep that in consideration next graphic I make though, it was duly noted. I'm going to +rep that tomorow, because it's something very usefull as far as constructive criticism.

But I agree, I have room for improvement. But alot of the other works I have done look do look nice. MK23's look pretty decent as far as shading, same with deagles. I thought those looked pretty decent too, the ones I showed. I made them almost 6 months ago, and wouldn't consider them 'complete'. Though compared to alot of the other newer guns that have come out in the last little bit. HK, SCAR..

10-27-2010, 12:22 PM
I can respect that. I understand what you're saying and I agree, I just like to give it texture along with the shading, I guess it's just styles. You can't really see shading that much on guns on player. It's just if you looked at it in paint or in graalshop. I don't really 'spray shading' I try to give it texture. But i'll keep that in consideration next graphic I make though, it was duly noted. I'm going to +rep that tomorow, because it's something very usefull as far as constructive criticism.

But I agree, I have room for improvement. But alot of the other works I have done look do look nice. MK23's look pretty decent as far as shading, same with deagles. I thought those looked pretty decent too, the ones I showed. I made them almost 6 months ago, and wouldn't consider them 'complete'. Though compared to alot of the other newer guns that have come out in the last little bit. HK, SCAR..

I'm not saying that your guns doesn't look decent, because they do actually, but when it comes to them being actual "pixel art" or at least graphics intended for Graal, I'd like to see their quality going up. The only way to actually increase their quality is to shade properly with minimal colors, thus remaining true to "pixel art".

There's a lot of nice tutorials out there, use them to your advantage.

10-29-2010, 11:29 AM
Me and Demisis would be perfect for the absence of gun admins.

Yes, room for improvement, they are unfinished. But I made them for an application. I didn't make them expecting them to get uploaded, I wouldn't say they are the best I could do just an great example of what I could do. If I was staff I'd take it alot more seriously, and put alot more work into them. I've got years and years of experience working with ganis and gun graphics, era style of guns. I'm also very talented with PKing on Era. :cool::cool:

I'm not boasting. I'd just really like to get a position on Era considering I believe I'm pretty talented when it comes to these things I've mentioned. That plus considering how long I have worked for Era, sense the beginning of Smu Era I have worked on and off on Era as Ganis / doing some gun graphics. I've got hell of alot better at both, and player killing on Era.

10-29-2010, 12:46 PM
I'm not sure Elk is even caring about his "Artist Administrator" job or whatever he calls it. Even if he is, you're not going to get anything out from posting stuff here. You need to either contact him in-game or get in touch with his superior(s).

10-29-2010, 07:20 PM
I'm not sure Elk is even caring about his "Artist Administrator" job or whatever he calls it. Even if he is, you're not going to get anything out from posting stuff here. You need to either contact him in-game or get in touch with his superior(s).

I have done this time and time again, I've been trying to get hired for like 2 months now, I sent him an application that was, in my opinion, A+ to all of them. Don't think ELK, and a few of the other guys in staff like me or something?? Very professional, and mature these guys pride themselves as.

As far as the other admins they are hardly ever on

Until these guys realize I'm real good at what I'm trying to get hired for and or new management sets in, I'm stuck. The most I got from ELK was like a month after I sent the application to him, I asked him if he looked at it. He said 'No, becuase of the way you talk.'

????????????? I don't understand how anything like this has to do with contribution to the server. I kept it pretty professional while I was staff the other 5 years so it's like where did you fellas come from.

I came on here to show I am great at what I do and have been for the last 6 years I was staf. Also to show Era a few cewl looking guns I was working on.

Everything is right personal with this staff team. Like they have to really like you or something to even acknowledge your work or contributions to the server in the past. Kinda bias considering. Alot of my work is decent enough to keep players looking foward to something at least.

But I pmed ELK this forum link a while ago, so I highly doubt anything is going to come out of waisting my time from the start and I say what the fuk i want anyways. stuk up can't last anyways. fukn black pres, magin that..

How can I not get pissed off at shi like that. They haven't even acknowledge me as a candidate for anything on the server while i tried to get a hold of these fuking guys for months and they sit there being like ehhehehehe ignoring me. Considering the work I did in the past and my last few posts. Anyone in my Position would get angry like what the **** are you guys doin.

10-29-2010, 07:30 PM
Disappear and come back on a different account with a non-retarded-virtual-gangbanger persona, expanded pixel-art portfolio beyond guns, and maybe you'll get hired.

10-29-2010, 07:39 PM
Disappear and come back on a different account with a non-retarded-virtual-gangbanger persona, expanded pixel-art portfolio beyond guns, and maybe you'll get hired.


what does who i am ahve to do with my fukn work bud? if its good its good. should just let me do the job I have been doing for fukn 5 years n stop making sht right personal + excuses, like who i am has anything to do with the quality of my work and or the past 80% of the servers gani quality. I'm sorry i consider u a *****. But I think Era should promote more staff like me.

Look at how many people who have played this game for years and years quit.

Look at how many people got banned?? That played the game for years and years.

Look at how many people are quitting everyday because of how fudgn poopy this server is. No raids not enough people even online half the time. We are third to un again.

Like I don't understand how you think some of the staff currently in there are any better than me because I've played Era sense it was made. I personally knew almost all of the global, and the people who made it Stephn follows my twitters. No one had as much as a problem with me than current management, and you three. So it's like who the fuk are you???? u kno like, What?! So what I am who I am, I'm not about to sit there and make another account to act like something else to get hired on Era. Look at my resume, see how good my work is. Hire me.

Trying to make the shi right personal or something just an excuse like resetting the server

I'd promote all the staff being people like me because we would actually make this game fun alota fun and better than it is right now instead doing nothing and keeping things the way they are for months and months. Or being sellout managers souly trying to fuk the server. Because types of people like me, arnt like that. It's you guys, you ' professional ' fat piece of **** types that keep fckn Eras azzhol, abusing ur titles to make 20$ here and there. shts so fukn pathetic, than you look down on me when all I did was try my best to make the fukn game look good, not exploit the server, like the guys you look up too.

Try something different. Because you know whats pathetic and sad? The last 6-7 years of era.
You know whats really sad, what they did to GC

people are fed up with this **** I know I fking am. So vulcan can suck this dck

Like bud who the fuk are you because I've been here for years and years half this server I helped make so its like bud, shut the fuk up.


10-29-2010, 08:15 PM

No, not at all.

You really need to start providing sources for your contributions to Era because you've done nothing but talk out of your ass since your dumb Platoons thread.

Also, your personality and how you present yourself to Graal is what holds you back from being considered as someone who would be valuable to a staff team. All you've really shown these forums is that you want to make guns and pitch common-sense and stupid ideas.

10-29-2010, 08:26 PM
No, not at all.

You really need to start providing sources for your contributions to Era because you've done nothing but talk out of your ass since your dumb Platoons thread.

Also, your personality and how you present yourself to Graal is what holds you back from being considered as someone who would be valuable to a staff team. All you've really shown these forums is that you want to make guns and pitch common-sense and stupid ideas.


10-29-2010, 08:44 PM
I can't find a reason why you arn't hired. You are really good and I love your attitude. Your guns are by far the best i've ever seen and you are respectful to everyone. I vote him new Gun Admin, he's really good at PKing too. /sarcasm (if you couldn't tell).

10-29-2010, 09:17 PM
I can't find a reason why you arn't hired. You are really good and I love your attitude. Your guns are by far the best i've ever seen and you are respectful to everyone. I vote him new Gun Admin, he's really good at PKing too. /sarcasm (if you couldn't tell).

I couldn't tell untill you said respectful. I am respectful, sht. I understand that word alot more than any of you.

How am I suposto be respectful to people like that lmao. Not fowlplayer, but all that other sh I said is the truth so. Anyone reading this without bias (like omg I don't like him), and people who don't even know me, or know the server. Knows EXACTLY what I'm talking about, and fully agrees with that. You wouldn't need to say something goofy like '/sarcasm' or add on (IF U COULDN'T TELL) if it was obvious. Look at the guns and you're going to say I'm terrible. Considering all the other posts I've made, considering 80% of all the guns I've edited or made ganis for or completely made within the last 5 years

Idk if i'm respectful to kids who don't even know what there talking about sitting here souly to bash anything I say or do that's better than they could ever do or think of. Yeah I got a real bad attitude, whats that have to do with my qualifications with working on Era full of people like me.

Like anyone else is doing anything? I could think of 4 guns that barely even have ganis and the graphics are ****ty as hell. Not to mention the actual development of the server right now. Act like I wouldn't put time into it like I have been. Everything I ever did on Era I put alot of work into, and I did alot of work for the server. That should be enough. What does who I am have to do with it. fukn racist as'z

I agree with everything you said untill you said sarcasm. Considering it's like factual.

Read the last Page

10-29-2010, 09:22 PM
and his true colors show~

10-29-2010, 09:37 PM
and his true colors show~

What true colors. I'm pissed off that the response I get when I got better intentions than anyone you could think of who show 'true colors' to you?

Or pissed off because I post ideas that are like x10 of anything Era has ever hurd and all these really cool fellas try to do is downplay everything I do that's x10 anything they've ever saw anyways. Posting that little bit about me becoming Guns Admin, i already know that will never happen right now I posted it just to be like HMMM IDEA IDEA IDEA to show how stupid the current "Creative Directer" is. Considering I've been trying to talk to him about it sense he got in power. HMMMMMM

Or mostly pissed off because of the last 8+ years of Era of global and managers fukning the server. Considering the people who originally made the game got it taken from them during like the first few months of it being open. So you tell me. Who wouldn't. You'd be surprised how many developers for Era (and original developers) are EXACTLY like me bud. I'm just striht the fuk up with you goofs who think you know something when really, you have No Idea.

SO what yeah that's who I am, I shut my mouth for the last 5 years of being staff didn't I? No one said boo then. I just fixed up 99 % of the guns on the game and shut my mouth while Daz and Smu usd'd and fuked the server in its azz. Then on goes the issue with you smart azz's coming into power and fudging the server. Well I'm straight up, sorry. But I care about Era, and we have been trying to help Era for years of all this bullsh the last 8 years of bullsh who show 'trustful colors' and 'respectful' types. Well bud I'm straight up. My graphics are fukn sick, my ganis are fukn sick, I'm the best PKer on the fukn game. UHHH what else. I worked for era for 5 years, I made 80% of all the guns?

But I bet you like them guys, and they're true colors.

Every manager you guys respect fellas, I guarantee they fukd the server. So like, man I was staff for 5 years and you haven't heard ANYTHING like that about me, I'm TRUE to Era, I don't understand how someone can grow up on this game, then get into power or get global positions, and just fuk it. Rather as all these other guys you think show respect, nice colors, come in talking all proper actn like o ya im real smart. Then fuk Era one more AGAIN.

You guys have been doing this smart asz sht for 8 years now, look how far it got us. Becuase honestly, TRUTH ^]

And again, anyone who Knows era, or Knows me, or Knows anything about what they are talking about knows EXACTLY what I'm talking about so best bet is to just concur with this.

Read the last page

10-29-2010, 10:10 PM
o lawdy lawd LOL

10-29-2010, 10:16 PM
o lawdy lawd LOL

man w/e let someone else deal with the 'suits', I just wanna do gun graphics n ganis n **** who beter than the guy who did them for the last 9999 years my stuffs decent.

Read the last page

10-29-2010, 10:27 PM
I don't like your graphics, but you're definitely very good with ganis. One of the best that has worked on Era, for sure.

However, I can't see any management giving you another chance with your history.

10-29-2010, 10:40 PM
I don't like your graphics, but you're definitely very good with ganis. One of the best that has worked on Era, for sure.

However, I can't see any management giving you another chance with your history.

You mean when I itemspawned a DR becuase a global deleted mine? sht I could have kept it quiet for a year like .........Who sales? and usd'd. Nah it was just a joke type of ****.

Considering the history of half the staff team USD'd and I've never usd'd in the history of playing Era.

N my graphics are great just look at the mk's or deagles, or that ms.

10-29-2010, 11:03 PM
Your good with pixeling and your selfconfident, that's good, but don't be so hasty, patience (yeah I know you've tried for 6 years).

And don't be an complete ass, if your serious about this then you should act like one.

That's my two cents.

10-29-2010, 11:32 PM
if USDing is grounds to not hire someone, i can prob name a global or two that should be fired :>

10-30-2010, 12:32 AM
http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y111/_friendsx3x3/ethug2.jpg sup dawg

10-30-2010, 02:55 AM
I couldn't tell untill you said respectful. I am respectful, sht. I understand that word alot more than any of you.

How am I suposto be respectful to people like that lmao. Not fowlplayer, but all that other sh I said is the truth so. Anyone reading this without bias (like omg I don't like him), and people who don't even know me, or know the server. Knows EXACTLY what I'm talking about, and fully agrees with that. You wouldn't need to say something goofy like '/sarcasm' or add on (IF U COULDN'T TELL) if it was obvious. Look at the guns and you're going to say I'm terrible. Considering all the other posts I've made, considering 80% of all the guns I've edited or made ganis for or completely made within the last 5 years

Idk if i'm respectful to kids who don't even know what there talking about sitting here souly to bash anything I say or do that's better than they could ever do or think of. Yeah I got a real bad attitude, whats that have to do with my qualifications with working on Era full of people like me.

Like anyone else is doing anything? I could think of 4 guns that barely even have ganis and the graphics are ****ty as hell. Not to mention the actual development of the server right now. Act like I wouldn't put time into it like I have been. Everything I ever did on Era I put alot of work into, and I did alot of work for the server. That should be enough. What does who I am have to do with it. fukn racist as'z

I agree with everything you said untill you said sarcasm. Considering it's like factual.

Read the last Page

To prove your good, i'd like you to name those guns (look where I bolded in the quote) and redo them to make them look good and i'd understand, but as of now your GFX arn't good, and your full of **** having some "i'm best GFXer on Graal ever ez noobs" ego doesn't work here.

10-30-2010, 03:05 AM
if USDing is grounds to not hire someone, i can prob name a global or two that should be fired :>

Well who are you to sit there and be like 'past history' like i have a history of abuse or something when I was a fukn scapegoat while the next 9 and 9 before managers USD'd. and I could name like 4-5 Globals. Considering that's my point. Globals stole Era. People on this game should be tired of this same sht over and over and over.

Sales I don't understand how you can play a game for years, something you care about, or grew up on. And FUK it.

I can't have respect for **** like that i'm sorry for being a fukn goof and jus bein like YA FUK EVERYONE type of **** but I ant no fukn scapegoat and I ant the problem bud. I knew you for years so when u did that for me I was like man..... :shakes head:

The VERY LAST person I'd expect. Selling ur guns you earned isn't what I'm talking about. This isn't about no money, this getting a job. This is about the GAME.

10-30-2010, 03:45 AM
Well who are you to sit there and be like 'past history' like i have a history of abuse or something when I was a fukn scapegoat while the next 9 and 9 before managers USD'd. and I could name like 4-5 Globals. Considering that's my point. Globals stole Era. People on this game should be tired of this same sht over and over and over.

Sales I don't understand how you can play a game for years, something you care about, or grew up on. And FUK it.

I can't have respect for **** like that i'm sorry for being a fukn goof and jus bein like YA FUK EVERYONE type of **** but I ant no fukn scapegoat and I ant the problem bud. I knew you for years so when u did that for me I was like man..... :shakes head:

The VERY LAST person I'd expect. Selling ur guns you earned isn't what I'm talking about. This isn't about no money, this getting a job. This is about the GAME.

Ask anyone who has worked with me and they will tell you that my biggest crime as a staff member was probably working too hard. I've never abused my position to do anything that would hurt the server, ever.

As a player? That's a totally different story :p
But I haven't actually played this game in years.

10-30-2010, 04:05 AM
It's funny because defaultaccount used to be a tranny back in 06-07.

10-30-2010, 05:25 AM
Hey default guy.. I really don't understand why your picturing yourself to be on such a high horse acting like you're the greatest ever. I've seen your ganis.. cool you're pretty good but from what you've shown in this thread relating to your graphics and your peronality.. well, they're both ****.:asleep:

10-30-2010, 05:59 AM
Ask anyone who has worked with me and they will tell you that my biggest crime as a staff member was probably working too hard. I've never abused my position to do anything that would hurt the server, ever.

As a player? That's a totally different story :p
But I haven't actually played this game in years.

What, is that an excuse for being a sellout,


Buncha Sellouts.

You know how many times I could have sat there and been a peice of ssht sellout and fuk Era? No, see I was the scape goat to **** like that sayn like o ya Take B such a sPwaNer >:/. When it was the fukn globals, managers, and high possition staff that actually didn't give a **** about the server, usding and exploiting era for the last how long bud. I actually gave a **** you know, I took the time to make everything I relesed on the game A+.

Good job with what you did do, and yeah I did respect you bro. I just didn't think you'd turn out to be a fukn sellout, I didn't expect you to carry the olympic torch Era has been used too.

PS: My gun graphics are just as good as my ganis. - Take

10-30-2010, 06:01 AM
What, is that an excuse for being a sellout,


Is what you said an excuse for having nothing to say?


10-30-2010, 06:15 AM
Is what you said an excuse for having nothing to say?

You'd better be careful, he's probably going challenge you to a rap battle now and/or call you a sellout or whatever word he heard last in the last rap song he heard.

10-30-2010, 06:45 AM
Lol from what you've shown in this thread I would definately have to disagree with you there. And especially seeing as that "sniper rifle" or whatever you first posted is just an edit of my pal Lances sniper rifle that he made for Atrius years ago it just shows how "good" you really are.

10-30-2010, 08:39 AM
yeah that sniper wasn even done. like half done.

the ms is done. mk's are done. deagle is done

neorifle is done.


10-30-2010, 09:03 AM
yeah that sniper wasn even done. like half done.

the ms is done. mk's are done. deagle is done

neorifle is done.


Just because it wasn't done doesn't push aside the fact that its an obvious edit of someone elses work. With that being shown who's to say that the rest of your things aren't edits?

10-30-2010, 09:19 AM
Well who are you to sit there and be like 'past history' like i have a history of abuse or something when I was a fukn scapegoat while the next 9 and 9 before managers USD'd. and I could name like 4-5 Globals. Considering that's my point. Globals stole Era. People on this game should be tired of this same sht over and over and over.

Sales I don't understand how you can play a game for years, something you care about, or grew up on. And FUK it.

I can't have respect for **** like that i'm sorry for being a fukn goof and jus bein like YA FUK EVERYONE type of **** but I ant no fukn scapegoat and I ant the problem bud. I knew you for years so when u did that for me I was like man..... :shakes head:

The VERY LAST person I'd expect. Selling ur guns you earned isn't what I'm talking about. This isn't about no money, this getting a job. This is about the GAME.


10-30-2010, 09:56 AM
Just because it wasn't done doesn't push aside the fact that its an obvious edit of someone elses work. With that being shown who's to say that the rest of your things aren't edits?

this is pethetic.

I've never bit work in my life. I'm the guy they bite.


I was trying to explaining that most of the time people talk down on me like I was the problem or WE were the problem. But it really was the sellouts that fukd the game. Alls I wanted to do was do what I'm good at working with and have worked with sense I started on Era so it's like w/e when a bunch of kids who want to keep sht sellouts. like quote


and keep passing the torch to yet another sellout and yet another sellout sellout sellout sellouts.

o n hirN new GfX artis!!~

10-30-2010, 10:44 AM
You've never bitten work.. yet you clearly editted another persons sprite to claim as your own.. how does that make aaannny sense??? Contradict yourself much or what?

10-30-2010, 10:54 AM
you should never argue with an idiot, because they will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.


10-30-2010, 04:13 PM
You mean when I itemspawned a DR becuase a global deleted mine? sht I could have kept it quiet for a year like .........Who sales? and usd'd. Nah it was just a joke type of ****.

Considering the history of half the staff team USD'd and I've never usd'd in the history of playing Era.

N my graphics are great just look at the mk's or deagles, or that ms.

I'd love to see some of your guns. No sarcasme.

10-30-2010, 05:07 PM
What I see as a problem with you is your complaining mainly of the "sellouts", "USDers" and "spawners". Now tell me why you would even want to work for these people to make a gun either a. more appealing, thus more wanted or b. just a new gun in general to give them one more gun to spawn and USD for money? I'm going to be honest here and say that your GFX arn't very good, and as stated above you said "My GFX is as good as my Ganis", so even though i've never seen them i'd assume you arn't very good.

10-30-2010, 07:43 PM
You've never bitten work.. yet you clearly editted another persons sprite to claim as your own.. how does that make aaannny sense??? Contradict yourself much or what?

I never edited a sprite and clamed it as my own.

I'd love to see some of your guns. No sarcasme.

The MK23's on Era, The Deagles on Era, ect, my gfx r great bro





10-30-2010, 08:22 PM
I never edited a sprite and clamed it as my own.

The MK23's on Era, The Deagles on Era, ect, my gfx r great bro





Kid, you cannot say "my gfx r great bro" when everyone in this thread excluding you, said they were bad. The Deagle currently in game isn't a good GFX either, the tip of it is round, looks like a dildo with a gun handle and a trigger attached if you ask me...

10-30-2010, 08:28 PM
Kid, you cannot say "my gfx r great bro" when everyone in this thread excluding you, said they were bad. The Deagle currently in game isn't a good GFX either, the tip of it is round, looks like a dildo with a gun handle and a trigger attached if you ask me...

n yeah they r good idc what 'everyone' says. Because they all are real good, child.

10-30-2010, 09:32 PM
n yeah they r good idc what 'everyone' says. Because they all are real good, child.

Ooooooh snap he just called you a child! You gunna take that from some dood from the internetz?

10-30-2010, 09:59 PM
n yeah they r good idc what 'everyone' says. Because they all are real good, child.

To be honest i don't think your graphics are great, but they are better then most of the guns era is using at the moment.

10-30-2010, 10:16 PM
Why create graphics, that's boring.

10-30-2010, 11:36 PM
Not to mention all the GFX he does is just guns... you need balance if you think you'll get hired, kid.

10-31-2010, 12:54 AM
Why create graphics, that's boring.


i'm thinking of making something like a server or something with that idea i posted. idk. I think I could make it honestly, and I really want too. How much does it cost to host a server per month?

Becuase I'm pretty sure I could make half of it without it being hosted. The systems would take like months though.

10-31-2010, 11:37 AM

i'm thinking of making something like a server or something with that idea i posted. idk. I think I could make it honestly, and I really want too. How much does it cost to host a server per month?

Becuase I'm pretty sure I could make half of it without it being hosted. The systems would take like months though.

50 euros for half a year or 80 euros for a full year.

10-31-2010, 05:29 PM
woah wtf is going on here

10-31-2010, 05:30 PM
woah wtf is going on here

That's what you get when nobody moderates the era forum.