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Pages : [1] 2

  1. Ar? Ar. Ar!
  2. The Warehouse
  3. Playerhouses
  4. An appolagie from a samurai.........
  5. Please do something
  6. wuh!
  7. Rogue Ranno Gess
  8. Kingdom Weapon
  9. Rules (All Pirates READ)
  10. My Crew
  11. Last night's boat war.
  12. New Ranking System
  13. Governor Nominations!
  14. Ghostie
  15. Roll call..
  16. Voting for Gov...
  17. New Governor
  18. Diplomacy
  19. Gone
  20. Pistol gfx... Should i keep going?
  21. Gorebo ruins CP Ships
  22. Vaction...
  23. Captain Rackham's Crew...
  24. Wanting to join
  25. Rp being revived
  26. Vacations or something
  27. Pirates
  28. New Reward System
  29. Governor?
  30. My Thoughts/Ideas of CP
  31. my thoughts and ideas
  32. Cp Weekly Lotto
  33. Planns for CP
  34. Harbor Master Nominations
  35. Future Plans/Events for Pirates
  36. Current Island Details
  37. 1 Big rule!
  38. Ranking System July 18 2003
  39. SeaCombat Practice
  40. Nominations for Pirate Rep
  41. Roleplaying Trainers.
  42. Spellcaster ranks as of July 31, 2003
  43. Removed from CP
  44. Incomplete Laws
  45. Pirate Lingo 101
  46. Bring back the gun!
  47. a sad day
  48. A New Governor
  49. Cyrilin family taking over CP
  50. Choose method of getting governor
  51. The Next Governor is: (From Ghost)
  52. some ideas
  53. New Rules (All Read)
  54. Not going to be on much
  55. Suggestion
  56. New Leadership not working at all
  57. Pirate Councilman
  58. Something that is bugging me.
  59. Ship yard!
  60. The CP Coastguard
  61. New Governor of Crescent Pirates
  62. New/Editted Rules
  63. Member list reset
  64. New Ranking System
  65. House Building Or Repairing
  66. The Crescendo
  67. What happened...
  68. RP Event
  69. Important -Ship Yard Gate
  70. War Strategy
  71. Slug Island Fort?
  72. Pirate Event for November 22 (Saturday) 2003
  73. The Westford Houses
  74. Has Raghnro gone Crazy?
  75. The Sick(?) Governor - RP Event
  76. Ship...
  77. Merry Christmas
  78. Im back....
  79. Pirate Cave
  80. Removed *D1ce2
  81. Roleplaying of Crescent Pirates
  82. Kurenai alliance?
  83. Comments, Opinions and Suggestions
  84. Event Story
  85. True Colors.....
  86. Brotherin United
  87. Changes
  88. The Removed Governor...
  89. Event Postponed
  90. RP event Saturday
  91. Rules (All Please Read)
  92. Website?
  93. House moving
  94. 'Mobilization'
  95. RPing again..
  96. Picking a new Governor
  97. I can't believe you done it
  98. Rofl
  99. Pirate Reconstruction.
  100. Renaming Pirates
  101. A formal apology.
  102. Novice Pirate Ranking
  103. Who wants Ziro back?
  104. Proper RP names?
  105. A request for MarkB
  106. How /creative of you markb
  107. Pirate Event
  108. What is really wanted
  109. Houses
  110. The demise of a fake Pirate
  111. RP story
  112. Plans for rebuilding pirates.
  113. development ideas
  114. House Moving-Gone
  115. Pirate Crews and Captains
  116. pardon my absence
  117. Pirate Event Item ideas!
  118. Leave of long-term absence
  119. Moderation, and the "Think Before You Post" rule
  120. Afraid, Mark?
  121. Congratulations Dehitay
  122. La Doncella Oscura
  123. It once had to happen
  124. Gambling
  125. Ideas
  126. You just gotta love the rumors.....
  127. Alisa's New Rule
  128. Adrian's New Rank
  129. ahoy there!
  130. Clothes
  131. Me Being Gone
  132. Some One Trying To Ban
  133. Hendrix
  134. nicknames in Kingdom
  135. Dehitay's Event
  136. Things were missing
  137. Corruption
  138. Dehitay on vacation maybe
  139. Activity of Adrian Steele ( Me )
  140. Kerith stopped
  141. Pirate Olympics
  142. Pirate Items
  143. Ranks...
  144. Scallywags
  145. Pirates Dungeon path
  146. Pirate Wands
  147. Emilys new rank
  148. I left Crescent Pirates for a second.
  149. Absence
  150. Pirate Story Thread
  151. Notice to the Crew of the Vanguard (Arius's Crew)
  152. Hello
  153. House Report on Pirate Island
  154. Ahoy Mateys!
  155. Crescent Pirates Articles of Agreement
  156. Non-Kingdom Member Houses..?
  157. Pirates Isle - updated map
  158. House Report - November
  159. Pirates Blacklist
  160. Better housing for CP island
  161. On Draven's Removal
  162. Loxeus Removed from Blacklist
  163. Remove Him.
  164. New Training Program?
  165. My new rank.
  166. The NEW Black List!
  167. Sam pked me...! when I was on tag.
  168. "Emigrated Pirates"
  169. saying "LOL" is allowed on tag?
  170. Ideas XD
  171. I will come back !
  172. Forced leave
  173. Pirate Boots
  174. Blacklist
  175. Amazing
  176. Goodbye
  177. War with Zormite
  178. The Pirate's Handbook
  179. Pirate Application? Needs work?
  180. My new rank
  181. CP spar tourney
  182. Treason!
  183. Phoenix Crew
  184. our RPing sucks
  185. Fare well for now...
  186. It's a "We have bigger fish to fry."
  187. Farewell dearies.
  188. I guess its time to think about war!
  189. Instant Translocation!
  190. Farewell for now Mates
  191. ....and this time i mean it
  192. Final Battle Over!!
  193. Future Event!
  194. lolz we can RP
  195. Farwell Roku, our little pirate.
  196. Kingdom event with Dustari
  197. A Simple and Short Guide to Roleplaying
  198. Town competitions
  199. Who is this pirate?
  200. Pirates Island - House Status for all towns
  201. Black Sails in the Sunset
  202. Pirate stories
  203. Gpa
  204. Leaders meeting
  205. Boat Skills Improving
  206. CP-Forest / Post-Event Summary
  207. Spezial Thanks for Paul Dibides(my rp brother)
  208. How about a big hockey Tournment for cp towns?
  209. Some pirate event ideas....
  210. New idea for new pirates!
  211. A Notice
  212. Crescent Pirates Rp event Begins a new
  213. Take me to your leader!!
  214. Join
  215. What we will start to do..
  216. Cross-kingdom Voyage
  217. The Cursed Captain
  218. Repairing Tornado harbor
  219. to all Cp members and people that are my friends
  220. Pirate summer olympics
  221. GRN attacking Pirton..
  222. Inuzuma Village Duties
  223. Harbor Master
  224. Big Boat Event on the horizon..
  225. What do you think of GRN?
  226. Pirton House
  227. Stop the boat insults..
  228. Who is who? (RP Event)
  229. Blood Raiders
  230. Talk like a Pirate Day
  231. Cp story book
  232. Congrates to Zeltino
  233. Congratulations!
  234. My History
  235. CP-Dustari battle
  236. High Stakes in Cp
  237. Request
  238. Flying System ( how it effects us)
  239. Westford
  240. Farewell Mate
  241. Captain's Boat Battle..
  242. Distant Flames.
  243. Captain's boat battle
  244. Westford
  245. Resignation.
  246. Congratulations To Alan!
  247. Xmas Ceramony.
  248. Captain's boat battle
  249. House rights
  250. Event