View Full Version : Dustari

Pages : [1] 2

  1. My comments and ideas about Dustari
  2. Houses
  3. Questions
  4. The castle?
  5. Kill On Sight
  6. Let's talk castle insides
  7. Tag reforms
  8. Some Rules
  9. Kingdom hoppers?
  10. A Notification Of Events
  11. Another notification of events
  12. Dustari Website
  13. Diplomacy
  14. Diplomatic Needs...
  15. Some new things you should all be informed of
  16. pking
  17. Behaviour in the kingdom
  18. Stuff for Kingdom
  19. Kingdom events
  20. remove anuk
  21. House Moving + Keys
  22. Arguing and Dustari
  23. Zeppelin Race!
  24. Shops
  25. anU=gone
  26. Just a little note about TREASON
  27. Will there be a clearance of the kingdom?
  28. Me
  29. Dustari uniforms - let's hear some input
  30. Tag Wipe And Houses
  31. Farewell
  32. The kingdom GUI and the ranks
  33. Tourney
  34. Stal.. I mean.. Charles' 5 year plan for Russia.. I mean.. Dustari
  35. My tag is gone
  36. Goodbye dustari?
  37. Stuff
  38. Rights
  39. Here's my second "5 year plan", while I am gone for the week.
  40. Rank I thought of..
  41. Sorry Charlie
  42. boat war
  43. Level Up Help
  44. Website
  45. Today
  46. Larrien's Introduction
  47. Restriction on Recruiting Poll
  48. Dustarians-- Your Equipment?
  49. Rank Wipe Today
  50. Another Notice
  51. Rank Wipe Performed
  52. The Revolution
  53. Ranks Thoughts
  54. Dustarian RP Story?
  55. Admission Criteria
  56. Rerecruiting
  57. Banthar's introduction
  58. An Announcement
  59. Military Commitee seeks input
  60. Peace
  61. Resignation
  62. Orcs Invades Dustari
  63. new king
  64. Republic or Monarch?
  65. The People's Republic of Dustari
  66. Should anu be king?
  67. Have you ever noticed that...
  68. Aftermath is fun. In other news, I want to be King.
  69. Excuse me about fairness
  70. Magic involved ranks
  71. Joining Dustari
  72. recruiting system
  73. Idea about Ranks
  74. *Retiring Amelyn Name, Please Read!
  75. looking to join
  76. a weapon idea
  77. Kamuii...hmm where do I begin?
  78. The Holy Order of Dustari! : Notice! and OFFICAL!
  79. ATTN: I am not here.
  80. We are missing Fortification workshop
  81. Beginning a Military Fort
  82. Let's invite the Zormites for a gathering
  83. Events list for gathering
  84. O' where has our King gone?
  85. A date for the Gather
  86. The trials... to become the elite....
  87. Kambino Family
  88. Sparing event for groups
  89. King Kamuii, the People of Dustari wish to address your absence
  90. On a different note-- The Navy!
  91. The time has come...
  92. House Approval
  93. Sneak Preview of Dustari's new Cathedral
  94. Blacklist?
  95. I have returned
  96. Avius Family
  97. Blacklist
  98. blacklist grievences
  99. Petition for clemency thread
  100. I have left Dustari
  101. We are one again, we are anew
  102. Who keeps moving houses?
  103. Excuse me.
  104. Tax System?
  105. rawr...
  106. I never expected this from a Dustarian...
  107. Cathedral is up!
  108. Rally
  109. I thought since Dustari is perfect...
  110. RPing Standards for Dustari:
  111. Brownlist
  112. Relic story: The Split Sword
  113. Lvls, ranks, & RP
  114. Removed
  115. Hall of Fame
  116. Zormite Alliance - Notice to Tseng
  117. Just a thought
  118. Goodbye
  119. Events for the army
  120. Temporary removal from Dustari
  121. One Sided Careers
  122. Love Affair
  123. New Decree - No Nighthawks in Dustari
  124. All Dustarians please read: Changes
  125. Revolution
  126. An Old Age Ends, a New Age Begins
  127. New Alliances
  128. The day for a vote has come.
  129. Moving on
  130. The Out House Thread
  131. Dustari Timeline?
  132. Duhn duhn duhn- The Map
  133. Books of the Library
  134. Picture for Padren
  135. The Seas beckon!
  136. Could i get my Event Coins back?
  137. The End
  138. Feels Like Cancer
  139. Memories
  140. Calling all Screenshots
  141. Dustarian Event this weekend
  142. Rights
  143. Rp in dustari
  144. Dustari Shield
  145. The Avoided Dark Age of Dustari(RPish stuff)
  146. Backage.
  147. Long Lost Princess
  148. Dinner was held at my humble home =]
  149. Kingdom flowers..Part2!
  150. Alas...We will go to war!
  151. Zormite Shipyard
  152. Dustari Maintainence 8/3/04
  153. A Time to Train
  154. new castle gfx
  155. Dustari Ranks
  156. Bring them in
  157. Dustari's Map
  158. Dustari: From the Beginning 'Til Now
  159. The Code of Chivalry
  160. Seperating Game and RP
  161. Challege to your kingdom
  162. How do I join
  163. Blacklist Rumble
  164. killing on tag
  165. Housing
  166. What the?
  167. Knights
  168. Knighthood System
  169. Dustarian Historical Vault
  170. Dustari's Decline
  171. A Dustarian School?
  172. Calendar of Dustari History
  173. Defeat of Erik Heimdal
  174. Pirates attack
  175. My removal?
  176. Dustari Falling?
  177. Banned
  178. Im leaving
  179. Request 01
  180. Request 02
  181. Request 03
  182. Request 04
  183. Request 05
  184. Request 06
  185. Dustari Revamp
  186. Outlaw Rum!
  187. I'm not sure how to address this....
  188. Treason!
  189. I have a request
  190. ETA on revamp?
  191. Guild gui problem
  192. Dustari Roll Call
  193. Who's running the Kingdom??
  194. New Ranks
  195. Ranks of Darkness
  196. Player RP History
  197. Dukedom Lands
  198. Deserters
  199. Mini tag wipe
  200. Dustarian History Archive
  201. The Forthcoming
  202. Dustari Event on Saturday!
  203. Comments on todays kingdom event.
  204. Rank reorganization
  205. Kingdom event time.
  206. Something needs to be done.
  207. The story of Trindras
  208. Dustarian Reformation
  209. Merkado Family
  210. The Clan Durime
  211. Trindras' first duty
  212. Ok, give me your opinion please
  213. Ranking and Right question...
  214. Absence
  215. Reasons for my absence.
  216. The Forthcoming: Pt. 2
  217. Join
  218. Making Dustari Active Again.
  219. Dustari Kingdom Event - Relighting of Dustari's Torches
  220. Quitting GK.
  221. Dustari Event Postponed :(
  222. A New King.
  223. A Newer King.
  224. Dustari-CP War Report 9-30-06
  225. no king?
  226. Dustari Goals
  227. A new throne, a new age.
  228. Adding Rank Problem
  229. Spring Celebration: Jan 28, 2007
  230. New King
  231. Blacklisted
  232. Dustari Homepage
  233. Character Backgrounds
  234. I thought John was king...
  235. Meetings
  236. WAR and a picnic
  237. Event next week
  238. Zormite Rebellion Temporary Reassignment
  239. Scavenger Hunt
  240. Orders to all forces
  241. Rally to me
  242. Declaration of War
  243. Dustari castel wtf?
  244. Cut the craP :(
  245. Want To REMAIN In Dustari?
  246. Want To CALL THE SHOTS In Dustari?
  247. I Am Pleased...
  248. The Gates Are Open
  249. .:Activity Points:.
  250. Joining Requirements?