View Full Version : NPC Scripting

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  1. New sub-forum
  2. oh...nothin....
  3. Idea of mine :)
  4. NPC prob
  5. Multiplayer NPC's
  6. New NPC programming manual
  7. This is puzzling me
  8. Quick question
  9. ATM script...
  10. Help
  11. board[] array and stuff
  12. ganis
  13. Npc Ha
  14. How do tranformation npcs work?
  15. Npc Scripting
  16. New Script Ive Found Out Very Usefull!
  17. save[]
  18. quick question
  19. Weapon deletion
  20. Day/Night Script
  21. Gani play while moving
  22. Pets
  23. Light Effects
  24. key/security systems
  25. Help with Script
  26. Fisch!
  27. Ive Been Looking For The Scripting For the p2p servers (like server time)
  28. Reading Sub-strings
  29. Onwall Detection
  30. Pets.......Once Again
  31. Counter
  32. Question..
  33. Gravity Script
  34. NPC Pets
  35. Post Elite NPCs
  36. A quick question
  37. Showing Stats
  38. season script
  39. npc
  40. Lights
  41. Npc Hp Bar Problems
  42. Hammers,Axes,and Rocks OH MY!
  43. I wonder...
  44. Dig Dig Dig!
  45. Level wandering
  46. Testing 123...
  47. I bad scripter so help me
  48. Script Help
  49. 'elp me
  50. Another call for 'elp.
  51. Gralats
  52. The burrowing gray soldier baddy.
  53. Last Call For Help.
  54. Unstick me rebuild
  55. antago's script
  56. Capture the flag?!??!?!?!
  57. graal2001 comp
  58. How would I?
  59. Newspaper Script
  60. Health/Magic Bar needed!
  61. Mining...
  62. Anyone know a good system NPC??
  63. Help?
  64. Sethead,Steshiled,setsword offline?
  65. Hey TruHeat, can ya teach me to make "hats"?
  66. Strings!Oh such wonderful strings! -_-
  67. scripting help
  68. bomy pet script
  69. Grim I need some help please
  70. RC Tools
  71. Amnimal
  72. in function
  73. I have a script in here that needs some fixin, it is for a jailing and unjailing syst
  74. Gralet System Help
  75. 15 Minutes Chicken.
  76. Mop NPC
  77. Platforms and Gralats....
  78. Hat Script
  79. Help?
  80. Check out my lifemeter.....
  81. showstats
  82. Pure chaos!
  83. Help with Graal Animations
  84. Good Scripting Idea
  85. Onwall help needed..
  86. npc scripters
  87. Meter
  88. Zormite Thingy
  89. Help
  90. Tokenize
  91. npcw script help needed for quest...
  92. Custom Chests....
  93. Png Walking
  94. Npcs
  95. Latest Graal NPC Guide?
  96. A Another Server that is in the making...
  97. Gani's
  98. NPC Help needed
  99. Plz! I need help!
  100. Cookable and eatable Food npcs
  101. Scripting Help
  102. Blitz Npc
  103. I need some help with NPC server
  104. onwall
  105. drunk
  106. new playerworld
  107. Stefan
  108. Gifs
  109. Punch
  110. I need a little help here....
  111. Races
  112. help!
  113. I need help
  114. Gladiatorial Arena
  115. Erm... overkill?
  116. Hey, i need some help
  117. Best Scripts Ever
  118. Map Making for you who dont know how...
  119. ugh...
  120. How Do Pngs Work?
  121. I need the a script!
  122. Vampire Npcs
  123. Gralat script
  124. Flawless Following..
  125. Help on Sign
  126. I need the a script!
  127. chase...
  128. Is it possible...
  129. Someone!!!
  130. Lazer Quest
  131. jump tiles
  132. Cool System for whatever
  133. Anyone got a...
  134. Can you use this NPC on a server?
  135. Could i have it please
  136. Plz help
  137. What is the Bomy Race Srypt
  138. Walking npc's
  139. #e
  140. NPC Problems..
  141. haeving a proebleom
  142. Heeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaalp!!!!
  143. Tag Helper
  144. Just In Case, we should have....
  145. GraalMon
  146. Pet script
  147. Help
  148. I need some script help
  149. Ganis and stuff..
  150. Target Practice
  151. Radio
  152. Is there a way?
  153. Cool little scripting event
  154. I need a script!!!
  155. New type of idea
  156. if (onwater) help needed
  157. day/night script code
  158. n00b scripting question no.1
  159. if (online || offline)
  160. Paintball Script Help
  161. : and ?
  162. n00b scripting question no.2
  163. Scripting Question
  164. Checking player animation
  165. Help Me Please Dear Lord Help!
  166. A good thing to add the next NPC Control version.
  167. Scripts
  168. Zulite race needs scripter! Apply within
  169. Gani Help
  170. SeCrEt CodE
  171. Scripting on a WHOLE NEW LEVEL
  172. MAP stuff
  173. Negative Sword Pow.
  174. Leap Damage
  175. Staff Boots
  176. Script Editor
  177. Tokenize
  178. Lighting Effects
  179. tile detection
  180. Needs Graal3d Level help
  181. Light effect help...
  182. Status Bar
  183. Help Me Jebus!!!
  184. Undocumented commands?
  185. the keydown events
  186. What are the Scripts for...
  187. Ligting Effect Scripting
  188. Job Opening's On Enigma Graal
  189. Anyone have the .....
  190. new (weird) idea
  191. Status Bar Problems
  192. Bomy Script??
  193. Warping Script Problems
  194. Pics1.pn..watever...??
  195. Lighting Effects
  196. Jailer Script
  197. Day/Night System & EP System
  198. New Idea for a command
  199. Mining
  200. Hmmm, Bank System Help...
  201. Timevar?Does it need an NPC server
  202. A walker guy
  203. Bomy Weapon Scripting
  204. is there anyway too...
  205. Time help?
  206. Agh, help please
  207. Weapon Scripting HELP
  208. I need the custome status bar and Time showing scripts
  209. Jail Script
  210. Offline Day/Night Script
  211. help !?!
  212. Is there...
  213. -System or *System
  214. Tag helper
  215. New version....
  216. Spar House Script
  217. NPC Help
  218. Seeking the knowledge and wisdom of Kaimetsu's tile script ability
  219. Wondering
  220. Minimap problems
  221. Good Bank
  222. Need a real good ban script!
  223. Who knows the Fishing Pole script?
  224. Server-Wide Strings (HELP ME)
  225. Help with scripting
  226. Mace (Some one ask for this and here it is )
  227. Idea
  228. Need help plz read u might be staff
  229. s t o p i t
  230. ok help me out some one who is good
  231. Bomies
  232. N00b Help
  233. NPC Fun
  234. Graal Script Generator
  235. Weapon killer
  236. Illegal Item
  237. how to make player invis???
  238. Params on ganis
  239. Desperately needed script!
  240. STATUS BARS x.X
  241. Script Question
  242. Looking for NAT's
  243. Rice
  244. Day/Night/Weather Script Contest
  245. Bed
  246. Show image
  247. Looking for NATS!
  248. Looking for Scripter for PW
  249. Graal Messanger
  250. Auto Line break making sign NPC