- Failure
- Needs Improvements - But Good
- Why are we telling new players how many "gelats" they're saving/getting as a bonus?
- Quite impressed
- Gelats
- Supremely Dissapointed
- GUI skinning: Post pictures
- Website
- My Opinion.
- Fricken Awesome F2 Window!!!
- Not satisfied
- Trial mode
- WOOT! Play in Broswer
- Honestly.
- Playerlist
- New accounts
- Graal v5: Just add water (water not included)
- Grrrr @ PMs!
- Haha Awesome
- Hello
- Google adverts
- New Trial System
- Subscription Choices? Pffft
- Guild CP?
- Observer Mode.
- Mass Messages
- Skill Games Problems
- GK trials
- Gold Servers.
- Serverlist icons
- observer
- The trading card effects...
- Looks too similar?
- Why euro?
- New Card system
- Scripting Help?
- Slow, slow service.
- Graal is a cpu hog?
- Graal Skills web page @ graalonline.com
- Opinion: echo != sendToNC
- blogs
- Oldest Photos of Unholy Nation on Graal
- visitor messages / banned
- Rick roll advertises graal online ~must see~
- Google 2001 Feature: graal online 2001
- Graal Advertising
- Illusian
- Why can't we trade classic subscription?(Originally titled "It's dumb")
- 1577 players online? (early april fools? or late trick or treat?)
- Low playercount
- New sword what ya think?
- Updates, what?
- Gold Subscription
- Playerlist Update?
- Why has the playercount dropped so dramatically?
- Globals, lack of intresets in the support center.
- Free Gold Period
- Resubscribing to Graal???
- Just close Graal.
- Problems...AND ways to fix them.
- Graal as a game engine?
- Hog
- Whats the point of.. READ MORE! (CLICK HERE)
- A few ideas to promote growth
- Good Look Stefan
- What makes a good manager?
- This is a joke, right guys?
- What do you think would happen if...
- new playerworld staff
- Graals Population
- Graal runs better on Windows 7 than on Vista.
- Disconnected because you didn't move
- Wad's Purchasing Idea!
- [Question] Why did they switch...
- what would the ultimate server have?
- Community Names
- Blog Entry Width
- make V5 more like V2
- this needs to be discussed
- Guilds, useless?
- Community Names/Account Names OFFICIAL Ideas thread
- Developing should be free for servers that are staff-only
- Why aren't girls as good at sparring?
- Forums Smileys
- Support Center
- New type of tileset
- Gold
- Hosted tab
- Caps Lock
- Playercount increase.
- Graal needs more subscription methods.
- Another Essay of Ideas to Improve Graal
- Website calls Classic game of the year (corrected)
- Graal2001 is the only reason I like Graal.
- about refill Gelats by Mobile
- Playerworld Metrics
- More PWA,etc.
- more support needed
- Graal issues after download.
- Prices should be based on. . .!
- So guys.....
- one change that would make you feel good
- My opinion.
- content density is a stupid concept
- Mention : that the GE is old(gs1) and mostly unusable >>GS2
- 99-05 graal rocked and 06-10 graal should be improved
- Trials...
- Super Heroes Theme
- Looking for your opinion.
- Restrictions to forums for trolling
- PM Codes
- Payment Plans
- Graal V5- My Opinion
- uhh...
- Elven Lands
- Development forums
- Trolls and Noobs Developing
- MY opinion.
- MY opinion
- Server like this ?
- iPhone Graal updates on pc version?
- More globals.. seriously!
- Looking for YOUR Opinion.
- Preparing for what's to come & equality?
- You're welcome, Eurocenter
- Heads#.png
- Is Graal really going to be free to play? Well...
- Stefan
- Vote your fave server name!
- Vote your fave server name!
- Emera Story-Line
- This is ridiculous...
- Emera opening scene
- New Server (GAMES)
- Cutscene
- Future Expectations?
- Emera Server Change?
- Peoples are mean :'[
- Total Member Count of Forums
- MY Opinion
- How much we've grown within graal
- stop making PC GRAAL IS DOOMED threads
- Dear Graal Online Staff...
- Little something im working on...
- Observer Mode
- Nice random lag spikes and disconnects.
- Personal Messages
- Updated Options + Your opinion
- V6 / Facebook Graal Control Bug
- So...
- Where can I find Developers?
- One who helped close Shaded Legends a second time.
- Unixmad!
- Remove the loading song.
- Leaking Information
- Classic Account Sale? Ideas
- Graal Numbers.
- Can we phase out v5 yet?
- New global command: /global autonpcserverstart true/false
- My favorite version of Graal profiles...
- The rambling of an old fool
- Local Guilds > Global Guilds
- Come together
- External/Offline Editor
- Battle Online PC Version.
- Names mean everything!!
- Disable PM's from login for non-P2P/Classic
- Remove observer mode
- how i feel about trial x_X
- [email protected]
- No, seriously?!
- Classic Accounts
- Really now.
- teh crono
- New iPhone account system
- Unlimited ban!
- Smoother gameplay on iClassic through FB/iPhone?
- The Forums
- Why is there even a permanent ban option on classic servers
- PWA disobeying their own rules? =o
- v6 Client Forced.
- Hello? graalonline.com?
- Email to Stefan
- microphone
- does anyone think that the new clients (v5 and v6)
- Boring...
- Remove observer mode on hosted/private servers for Classic accounts.
- Err..
- Extremely Unhappy
- Slightly Miffed
- opinion
- Help
- Globals?
- My Opinion/Review of Graal as a Whole
- Phasing out v5
- V6 todo list.
- Why is there still a subscription system for playerworlds/gold servers?
- Forums logo changed
- New Gaming Laptop
- Bring us together
- global irc improvements
- New support portal
- Updates
- PC is dead. Will it ever....
- Free Servers
- Playercount at an all time low
- Unixmad Contact
- Currently Active Users: Crazy guest amount