View Full Version : Your opinion

  1. Failure
  2. Needs Improvements - But Good
  3. Why are we telling new players how many "gelats" they're saving/getting as a bonus?
  4. Quite impressed
  5. Gelats
  6. Supremely Dissapointed
  7. GUI skinning: Post pictures
  8. Website
  9. My Opinion.
  10. Fricken Awesome F2 Window!!!
  11. Not satisfied
  12. Trial mode
  13. WOOT! Play in Broswer
  14. Honestly.
  15. Playerlist
  16. New accounts
  17. Graal v5: Just add water (water not included)
  18. Grrrr @ PMs!
  19. Haha Awesome
  20. Hello
  21. Google adverts
  22. New Trial System
  23. Subscription Choices? Pffft
  24. Guild CP?
  25. Observer Mode.
  26. Mass Messages
  27. Skill Games Problems
  28. GK trials
  29. Gold Servers.
  30. Serverlist icons
  31. observer
  32. The trading card effects...
  33. Looks too similar?
  34. Why euro?
  35. New Card system
  36. Scripting Help?
  37. Slow, slow service.
  38. Graal is a cpu hog?
  39. Graal Skills web page @ graalonline.com
  40. Opinion: echo != sendToNC
  41. blogs
  42. Oldest Photos of Unholy Nation on Graal
  43. visitor messages / banned
  44. Rick roll advertises graal online ~must see~
  45. Google 2001 Feature: graal online 2001
  46. Graal Advertising
  47. Illusian
  48. Why can't we trade classic subscription?(Originally titled "It's dumb")
  49. 1577 players online? (early april fools? or late trick or treat?)
  50. Low playercount
  51. New sword what ya think?
  52. Updates, what?
  53. Gold Subscription
  54. Playerlist Update?
  55. Why has the playercount dropped so dramatically?
  56. Globals, lack of intresets in the support center.
  57. Free Gold Period
  58. Resubscribing to Graal???
  59. Just close Graal.
  60. Problems...AND ways to fix them.
  61. Graal as a game engine?
  62. Hog
  63. Whats the point of.. READ MORE! (CLICK HERE)
  64. A few ideas to promote growth
  65. Good Look Stefan
  66. What makes a good manager?
  67. This is a joke, right guys?
  68. What do you think would happen if...
  69. new playerworld staff
  70. Graals Population
  71. Graal runs better on Windows 7 than on Vista.
  72. Disconnected because you didn't move
  73. Wad's Purchasing Idea!
  74. [Question] Why did they switch...
  75. what would the ultimate server have?
  76. Community Names
  77. Blog Entry Width
  78. make V5 more like V2
  79. this needs to be discussed
  80. Guilds, useless?
  81. Community Names/Account Names OFFICIAL Ideas thread
  82. Developing should be free for servers that are staff-only
  83. Why aren't girls as good at sparring?
  84. Forums Smileys
  85. Support Center
  86. New type of tileset
  87. Gold
  88. Hosted tab
  89. Caps Lock
  90. Playercount increase.
  91. Graal needs more subscription methods.
  92. Another Essay of Ideas to Improve Graal
  93. Website calls Classic game of the year (corrected)
  94. Graal2001 is the only reason I like Graal.
  95. about refill Gelats by Mobile
  96. Playerworld Metrics
  97. More PWA,etc.
  98. more support needed
  99. Graal issues after download.
  100. Prices should be based on. . .!
  101. So guys.....
  102. one change that would make you feel good
  103. My opinion.
  104. content density is a stupid concept
  105. Mention : that the GE is old(gs1) and mostly unusable >>GS2
  106. 99-05 graal rocked and 06-10 graal should be improved
  107. Trials...
  108. Super Heroes Theme
  109. Looking for your opinion.
  110. Restrictions to forums for trolling
  111. PM Codes
  112. Payment Plans
  113. Graal V5- My Opinion
  114. uhh...
  115. Elven Lands
  116. Development forums
  117. Trolls and Noobs Developing
  118. MY opinion.
  119. MY opinion
  120. Server like this ?
  121. iPhone Graal updates on pc version?
  122. More globals.. seriously!
  123. Looking for YOUR Opinion.
  124. Preparing for what's to come & equality?
  125. You're welcome, Eurocenter
  126. Heads#.png
  127. Is Graal really going to be free to play? Well...
  128. Stefan
  129. Vote your fave server name!
  130. Vote your fave server name!
  131. Emera Story-Line
  132. This is ridiculous...
  133. Emera opening scene
  134. New Server (GAMES)
  135. Cutscene
  136. Future Expectations?
  137. Emera Server Change?
  138. Peoples are mean :'[
  139. Total Member Count of Forums
  140. MY Opinion
  141. How much we've grown within graal
  142. stop making PC GRAAL IS DOOMED threads
  143. Dear Graal Online Staff...
  144. Little something im working on...
  145. Observer Mode
  146. Nice random lag spikes and disconnects.
  147. Personal Messages
  148. Updated Options + Your opinion
  149. V6 / Facebook Graal Control Bug
  150. So...
  151. Where can I find Developers?
  152. One who helped close Shaded Legends a second time.
  153. Unixmad!
  154. Remove the loading song.
  155. Leaking Information
  156. Classic Account Sale? Ideas
  157. Graal Numbers.
  158. Can we phase out v5 yet?
  159. New global command: /global autonpcserverstart true/false
  160. My favorite version of Graal profiles...
  161. The rambling of an old fool
  162. Local Guilds > Global Guilds
  163. Come together
  164. External/Offline Editor
  165. Battle Online PC Version.
  166. Names mean everything!!
  167. Disable PM's from login for non-P2P/Classic
  168. Remove observer mode
  169. how i feel about trial x_X
  170. [email protected]
  171. No, seriously?!
  172. Classic Accounts
  173. Really now.
  174. teh crono
  175. New iPhone account system
  176. Unlimited ban!
  177. Smoother gameplay on iClassic through FB/iPhone?
  178. The Forums
  179. Why is there even a permanent ban option on classic servers
  180. PWA disobeying their own rules? =o
  181. v6 Client Forced.
  182. Hello? graalonline.com?
  183. Email to Stefan
  184. microphone
  185. does anyone think that the new clients (v5 and v6)
  186. Boring...
  187. Remove observer mode on hosted/private servers for Classic accounts.
  188. Err..
  189. Extremely Unhappy
  190. Slightly Miffed
  191. opinion
  192. Help
  193. Globals?
  194. My Opinion/Review of Graal as a Whole
  195. Phasing out v5
  196. V6 todo list.
  197. Why is there still a subscription system for playerworlds/gold servers?
  198. Forums logo changed
  199. New Gaming Laptop
  200. Bring us together
  201. global irc improvements
  202. New support portal
  203. Updates
  204. PC is dead. Will it ever....
  205. Free Servers
  206. Playercount at an all time low
  207. Unixmad Contact
  208. Currently Active Users: Crazy guest amount